
Your Communication Plan (and Why it’s Never Too Late to Create One): AME 152


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Do you struggle to find the right response when parents complain about your cancellation policy, how you’re grading children in art class, or why your art looks the way it does?

You’re not alone.

One of the biggest challenges for many art teachers, classroom teachers, and art volunteers is setting expectations for your art program. This is an often overlooked part of your program and if not addressed early on, can lead to some very uncomfortable conversations.

And believe me, I’ve had a few.

If you struggle with any of the above, then I’m happy to say that the solution is easy. Today, I’m sharing how a communication plan will empower you with a clear message that will virtually eliminate any confusion with parents, teachers and your administration. Download my worksheet below that will help walk you through each step of your communication plan.

“When you are confident in your approach, art philosophy, rules and procedures, you can bet others will be confident in YOU.” – Patty Palmer


– How to draft an effective communication plan

– Why it’s never too late to send out a communication letter to the parents

– How you can use social media to get your message out

– Why this practice has been a positive experience for me

– What can happen if you delay sending this information

– Which topics to cover in your communication letter



Click the yellow button below to download my worksheet to help you draft your own art program letter:

Click here to subscribe

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram



For help contact: support@deepspacesparkle.com

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  • Sharon Loniewski

    Love this so far and I’m only 10 minutes into it! A colleague recommended your site and my principal has just given me permission to do more art with my K-5 students. I’m so jazzed about your site. I was a graphic designer for 23 years and am now an elementary teacher librarian. I need some great ideas! Thank you for creating this site!

    • Bethany

      Hi Sharon! You might be interested in joining The Sparklers Club enrollment opens in January and we have everything you could ever want there. You can find out more information on our website at https://www.sparklersclub.com/tsc/. We are so happy you found us!

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