Creative Juices sketchbook online art workshop courses for art teachers

A Special Look Inside Creative Juices: Our NEW Online Course for Art Teachers

I’ve taken a lot of time this past year to step back. To reflect on what’s important to me. To tap into what excites me.

It’s been years since I have done that.

Committed to actual down time to let ideas flow – both in and out – and allow whatever happens to happen.

I’ve taken a few courses this Fall, too…art, gardening, cooking.

And I’ve read many books on just about everything. And I can tell you right now, when you allow your brain to soak up inspiration, it’s like food for the soul.

Ideas pour out of you.

This learning stage of my year is vital to me as a business owner, but also as an artist and a creative person.

And if you are reading this, no doubt YOU are a creative person, too.

One of the things I love most is teaching. Both to children and to teachers.

Last summer, Team Sparkle delayed our scheduled Creative Juices workshop until February so we could implement an exciting addition to the workshop.

It’s taken a jolt of inspiration and a shift in perspective, but we made some very exciting changes to our workshop.

DOWNLOAD my Creative Juices Overview that will show you exactly what to expect and how the course will work for you:

Click here to subscribe

A Video Overview of Creative Juices:

Here they are…

The workshop is no longer a one day workshop. Now it’s a mini course!

Don’t worry if you are the type of teacher who just can’t bear to sign up for another course because you NEVER complete it. It’s just not that type of course.

Creative Juices is a process.

As you watch our presenters deliver ways to make teaching art to children exciting, you’ll be guided through a sketchbook-making process that allows you to experiment, record and play with the techniques and projects.

You see, one of the things I struggle with is compiling information in one place.

Creating Your Technique Toolkit Sketchbook

Creative Juices sketchbook online art workshop courses for art teachers

I’m always looking for that one lesson where I jotted down notes on the back of the art, or wondered what brand of watercolors I used for a project because I can’t seem to get the same result again.

Are you with me? This is a REAL problem for someone like me who has created thousands of projects and played with hundreds of different art media, and sometimes it all feels like I can’t remember anything.

Your sketchbook will record your ideas and will serve as your technique toolkit for years to come.

It will offer you a place to record the techniques and create the projects you learned from the presenters using the materials you have on hand.

Lifetime Access

Our past summer workshops were one-day events with a one year access. I wanted to change this. I’ve signed up for courses this past Fall that expire in a year. While I’m confident I’ll be able to complete them, I really want to have access to the videos so I can go back again and again should the need arise.

With Creative Juices, you’ll be able to do that!

More Than a One-Day Workshop | A Learning Community

As part of our commitment to helping teachers thrive, our Workshop’s Private Community will be your place to discuss techniques, meet the presenters, ask questions and share your sketchbook.

Creative Juices sketchbook online art workshop courses for art teachers

And if you’d like, you can share what your students create based on what you learned from the course.

I’ll be hosting a Kick-Off Ceremony on February 13th in this private group to get started on setting up our sketchbook together. Honestly, I already created mine and I just have to say that it’s the most fun I’ve had all Fall. Really. You NEED to do this!

4-Week Guided Course

Once we launch Creative Juices on February 4th, you can get started right away. Each week, I’ll release 2 modules. This pacing will allow you to soak up ALL the inspiring goodness that our presenters have shared.

And with each presenter’s module, I’ll personally guide you through your sketchbook, showing you examples and offering templates.

What You’ll Learn

This course will teach you many techniques used in children’s art that children love.

We’ll cover watercolor paints, tempera paints, acrylics, print-making, process art, observation drawings, craftsmanship, 3D art, paint and chalk markers, line drawings, gelli plates and more.

Creative Juices sketchbook online art workshop courses for art teachers

What do you think?

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  • deborah kramer

    is this on the site? i am a a member, is it on the site?

    • Bethany

      Hi Deborah! All the information and the sign-up for the workshop will be up on the Deep Space Sparkle website on Friday so stay tuned! It’s going to be awesome and we can’t wait to share all the details with you 🎉

  • Alexis O

    This looks like fun!

  • Ginny Stevens

    This sounds exciting and fun. I really like the journal idea and that access is open ended.

  • Susan

    Sounds like a great course.

  • Betty Rivera

    Excited and looking forward to it with great anticipation!!!

  • karen

    Will you earn any CEU’s for any of these workshops?

    • Patty

      Hi Karen,
      Great question! DSS is not affiliated with any university or college credited system. We offer clock hours that you can submit to your district.

  • Tangie Rumbold

    I love your newsletters, I teach first through fifth grade gifted students in Appalachia West Virginia, I’m 60 years and it’s been slow going for me with all the new programs, technology wear using. I have been teaching virtually since March. I am concerned that some of the students don’t have art supplies and I don’t want to exclude anyone. Please don’t remove me, understand that I will be using your lessons when I get all the options all figured out. Thank you, Tangie Rumbold

  • Deb Krisanda

    Sounds like a great website! So, enrollment begins in February, and did I miss the part about the cost to join?
    Thanks. Deb

    • Patty

      Hi Deb! Enrollment to The Sparklers Club begins on Januart 3, 2021 but enrollment for our online course, Creative Juices begins on February 4th.
      Active members of The Sparklers Club do get a special price on the course!

  • Cheryl

    I’m having difficulty finding the link to sign up for creative juices course early bird pricing .

    • Bethany

      Hi Cheryl. The best thing for you to do is to reach out to Shannon at support@deepspacesparkle.com and she will be able to help you with all the questions you have regarding the workshop (and all things Deep Space Sparkle)!

  • Kelly McCrary

    love this idea

  • Shivani Aggarwal

    Hi there…I’m from India and interested to register for this. I may not be able to do each module right when it releases as I may be travelling till Feb end. Will I be able to do the modules even later and interact as needed?
    Also where can I register? And what’s the course fee?

    • Bethany

      Hi Shivani! If you click to download the Course Overview it will show you the course schedule. The good news is you will have access to the videos forever, so you can easily do those on your own time. The course closing ceremony will be on March 13th so you will still have time to interact and be a part of the community! Registration opens on February 4th on the Deep Space Sparkle website or if you are a Sparkler you can join from there. Keep your eyes out for more information!

  • Zadia

    I’m excited about this, it seems like a great course, would love to know more details.

    • Bethany

      Hi Zadia. If you click on the link to download the Creative Juices Course Overview it will show you how the course works, and the schedule. We hope you join us!

  • Laura Yoder

    So excited to see this come about.
    Thank you for your inspiration and energy during this time of doubt and stress.
    We all need self care more than ever.

    • Patty

      I agree, Laura. And quite frankly, I needed it too. This course has really lifted me up this year. I’m excited to share it with everyone. 🙂

  • Nancy Smith

    I think this course sounds wonderful!

    • Patty

      Thank you Nancy. I’m so excited to share it. It’s been such a wonderful experience for me to go through the course. Reminds me how powerful making art is.

  • Linda Dinsmore

    I signed up for this a couple of months ago and am looking forward to starting on Feb 13th. It sounds like it’s exactly what I need! I’m teaching art two days per week in a small K-8 School and have been using the DSS website every week. The lessons are perfect for this situation (8 classes in school and 2 online).

    • Patty

      Can’t wait for you to dive in! You should have received the schedule and Master Art Supply list in your email. You’ll receive another email with your login info on Feb 4th. Can’t wait!

  • Jessica Hackett

    Sound exciting and just the thing I need to get out of dark winter days and find inspiration during this season of disillusionment!

  • Mona

    I’m so excited about it but I need more details

  • Lisa Grant

    Can you tell me the price for this??

    Thank you

    • Bethany

      Hi Lisa! Registration opens this Thursday, February 4th! To learn more about the Creative Juices online course you won’t want to miss Patty’s Facebook Live event Thursday at 4:00 pm PST.

    • Karen McClain

      I’ve sighed up for Creative juices but having computer skill problems. I listened to Videos 1,2,3 & I’m excited to get started & was on Introduction page but
      lost the site. Help!

      • Patty

        You can login to the Creative Juices website through the WORKSHOP button in the Deep Space Sparkle website menu bar. If you have an problems, please contact support@deepspacesparkle.com

  • Hillary

    I’m interested

  • Kirsten

    Stuck in lockdown and trying to help children create art at school, this could be really helpful and exciting for me.

  • EddaPilipina Asuncion

    It sounds promising.

    • Bethany

      Hi Edda! Registration opens this Thursday, February 4th! Patty will be doing a Facebook Live event Thursday at 4:00 pm PST, if you want to learn more about Creative Juices!

  • vmckeown

    Patty and Team! I am so excited to start the “Creative Juices” workshop! February is such a special Month for me because February 1st I will have been a Sparkler long enough that I will become a Gold member and unlock my last two bundles! AND take part in the Creative Juices workshop! (I am also doing other awesome art workshops!) THANK YOU ALL for the most wonderful ART Family I have ever known! YOU HAVE BEEN the best investment I have ever made! I am looking forward to many more years of being a “Golden” Sparkler! – Virginia McKeown-

  • Connie Dardeau

    Anxious to find out more about this course!

    • Bethany

      Hi Connie! Registration opens this Thursday, February 4th! You won’t want to miss Patty’s Facebook Live event Thursday at 4:00 pm PST, if you want to learn more about Creative Juices!

  • Cristy Hofer


    • Bethany

      Registration opens this Thursday, February 4th! Patty will be doing a Facebook Live event Thursday at 4:00 pm PST, if you want to learn more about Creative Juices!

  • Susie Fortune

    Hi Im a Memeber of the sparklersclub, would love to sign up to this when do we get the email about the discount ?
    Thanks Susie

    • Patty

      Hi Susie! We’ll email you as well as add the Sparkler link to the Sparkler dashboard 🙂

  • Sushma DM

    Very excited to know about the creative juices course. What is the cost? Also will we get to access videos in case we are not able to attend workshops on the dates u mentioned.

    • Patty

      Hi Sushma!
      We’ll have the pricing options available on Thursday so stay tuned. Most of the course is pre-recorded so you’ll be able to watch these modules as they become available. The live sessions with Patty will be recorded and uploaded to website 🙂

    • Bethany

      Hi Sushma! Registration opens this Thursday, February 4th! To learn more about the Creative Juices online course you won’t want to miss Patty’s Facebook Live event Thursday at 4:00 pm PST. The videos will be available to you to watch anytime!

  • colleen w peters

    This sounds awesome

  • Elena

    I would love to participate in this course. I am an English teacher in Spain and I teach Art and Crafts as well.
    I was wondering how much is the course.
    Thank you very much,

    • Patty

      Hi Elena! We have a couple of options. We’ll have all the options available on Thursday! Stay tuned.

  • Mary

    I’m almost ready to retire, which means, I already have a ton of lessons. But I always love what you present. I hope to be hosting workshops in retirement too. This looks beautiful and too exciting to resist! And like you say, keeping the lessons all in one sketchbook along with notations, is genius!

  • Mary Shannon Heinzelmann

    What is the cost for the course?

    • Patty

      We have a couple of options. We’ll have all the options available on Thursday! Stay tuned.

  • Patti

    I am very interested in signing up for this workshop in February

    • Patty

      That’s exciting. I know you’ll enjoy it. If you are on our newsletter email list, we’ll send you a link on Thursday. If not, check our website on Thursday for the link!

  • Erin

    Is this workshop available for Sparkler’s Club members for free or for a fee? I would love to try it! I’m just wondering the cost.

    • Bethany

      Hi Erin! We’ll email you as well as add the Sparkler link to the Sparkler dashboard 🙂

  • Cristy Hofer

    Price please

  • Tammy Lindsey

    How much is the course?

    • Bethany

      Hi Tammy! We’ll have the pricing options available on Thursday so stay tuned. There are a couple of options available!

  • Sue

    Can I do this without being a member:

    • Bethany

      Hi Sue! This class is open to all Art Teachers, Homeschool Parents, Studio Owners, and Artsy people just wanting to feel inspired! We will be doing a Facebook Live event on Thursday at 4:00 pm PST, join us for all the details about Creative Juices.

  • Joanne Matusko

    I’d love to attend! I am wondering about cost and registration details.

    • Bethany

      Please join us for Patty’s Facebook live event Thursday at 4:00 pm PST, to find the answers to all your questions. Creative Juices Registration opens tomorrow.

  • Amy Wellman

    Sounds great! What is the cost?

    • Bethany

      Hi Amy! We’ll have the pricing options available on Thursday so stay tuned. There are a couple of options available!

  • adrian bargo

    Hi-where do I register for Creative Juices and what is the cost?

    • Patty

      Hi Adrian!
      Here’s the link to the registration page >

      If you are a member of The Sparklers Club, you’ll see a members-only link on the members dashboard 🙂

      Hope that you’ll join us!

  • Heidi Bevington

    4- week Guided Course

    Once we launch Creative Juices on February 4th, you can get started right away.

    Hi…I cut and pasted this sentence from the blurb above because I’m a bit confused. I’ve enrolled and paid for the course, and downloaded the overview as well as watched the video with Patty, but I can’t see any other content. Did you mean to say that you will launch the course on Feb 14? It looks very exciting and I look forward to the first couple of modules that begin next week. Until then, I will keep checking the sight to see if there is something else I can or should do to prepare…and I’ll get my materials together.

    Thank you for doing this


    • Patty

      Welcome to Creative Juices! There are 3 videos in the Welcome Module (look to the side bar to watch them) Also, click the Creative Juices menu bar to see the SUPPORT tab. There are a couple of TOUR videos to help you navigate the site.
      Make sure to download the course schedule so you will know when everything happens.

  • Laura corkum

    How do i sign up for this???

  • Nina Pearson

    I would love to do the course. I am a member from England. What is the price please?

    • Patty

      Hi Nina! The course link is on The Sparklers Club website. Just go to the Dashboard and click the link for Creative Juices Online Course.
      The registration fee is in US dollars.

  • valsouza_2000

    Hi. I can`t find the disccount for members Thanks.

    • Bethany

      Hi! When you log in to the Sparklers Club membership just scroll down below the February Bundle information. The link to purchase is right there.

  • Bobbi Maunu

    I would like to take this course and am interested in Clock Hours. The clock hours will only be accepted by my school district if DSS is registered as a WA state clock hour provider through OSPI or EDS 112. Can you verify that DSS is a registered clock hour provider in Washington State?

    • Bethany

      Hi Bobbi! Currently we are not, but we can check to see how to become one!

  • Karen McClain

    I’m so excited to learn different art processes.🤗

  • Elizabeth

    Will there be another opportunity to join creative juices workshop if you missed the registration deadline? Thanks! It looks amazing and I would love to check it out.

    • Patty

      Absolutely. We’ll offer it again in the future but we haven’t determined when. Stay informed on all of our release dates for our programs and courses by joining our mailing list. You can do that by downloading any one of our free PDF’s 🙂

  • Cristy Hofer

    I’m hoping I can still join

  • Merryl Cronrod

    Are you offering this course again? I missed the email promoting it and it was too late by the time I found out about the course.

    • Bethany

      Hi Merryl! Absolutely. We’ll offer it again in the future but we haven’t determined when. Stay informed on all of our release dates for our programs and courses by joining our mailing list. You can do that by downloading any one of our free PDF’s 🙂

  • Rana

    Very interesting

  • Claudia Moanna

    Can I still sign up for the creative juices course? I see it’s past the date, but I’d love to get started on a visual notebook….I see the sparkler’s club coming up, though I think the juicers might fit what I need at the moment….

    • Patty

      I’m sorry. Registration is closed for Creative Juices. We’ll have another enrollment later next year. Make sure to open our emails or stay connected through Instagram as often our registration windows are short.

  • Sandie Parmer

    Does this course offer a Professional Development certificate? If so, how many hours are earned?

    • Bethany

      Hi Sandie! When you complete the course, a PD certificate for 25 hours will be emailed to you. We have customized this certificate to include relevant information for school districts to approve your hours. You can submit that, along with any other paperwork that is required in your state, as proof of completion.

  • monca j beasley

    I can’t find my creative juices workshop link. I am ready to work with some of the courses.I was excited to work on it again.

  • Cheryl Bynum

    I have truly enjoyed all the lessons I have received from your site. This was my first year and I am not trained as an Art Teacher. Students surprised me with how well their projects turned out. Thank you for providing this amazing resource.

  • Elizabeth churchill

    Is the the 25 hour professional development?

    • katherine

      Hi Elizabeth! Yes – Creative Juices offers a PD Certificate for 25 hours upon completion.

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