watercolor poppies spring art lesson for fourth graders

Watercolor Poppies Art Lesson


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watercolor poppies spring art lesson for fourth graders

Here is a very easy watercolor lesson for any grade.

What you’ll need:
– Liquid watercolor paint or well-watered pan watercolors
– Watercolor paper
– Chalk pastels

Creating the poppies:
Simply add puddles of liquid watercolor paint (or well-watered pan watercolors) onto watercolor paper.

Before the puddles “dry” tap the paper onto the table surface to create streams of paint. These are the flower stems.

After the paint dries, the artist can use chalk pastels to add details such as stamens, leaves, shadows, etc.

Add a splatter of watercolor paint for a whimsical touch. Enjoy!

The technique is the same as this lesson: Watercolor Jellies.

Fourth Grade Poppies…

Watercolor Poppy Art Lesson Gallery

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  • Brenda

    What do you recommend if you don’t have liquid watercolors in your art room? Thanks! Brenda

    • Patty

      Hi Brenda,
      Use regular pan watercolor paints or watered down tempera. Try it yourself to see what will work best for your class.

    • Patty

      Unless you are specifically looking for an Egyptian themed art lesson, I would try the other art lessons that are more suited for 2nd and 3rd grade. Egyptian Faces is geared towards upper elementary. The drawings are more detailed than let’s say Watercolor Projects. Hope this helps.

  • Hilary

    I love these! Just did ’em with my third graders this morning. They were so excited–not usually allowed to “splatter paint”!

    • Julie

      Thanks for the video re: Watercolour Jellies, now I know what you mean by “tap” the paper on the desk. Relieved relief teacher Julie

  • Bethany

    These look like the perfect way to ring in spring time!

  • Monica

    Do you have to use watercolour paper with the watercolour paints?

    • Patty Palmer

      For this lesson, yes. Other papers would soak up the watercolors and you wouldn’t get the drips.

  • Mirela

    Hello from Slovenia,
    I follow your blog constantly and have to thank you, because you have given me a lot of funny and fulfilling hours with my students. The last thing we did was your jellyfish watercolor project and the kids just loved it. We added our own touch by doing the tentacles using drinking straws. The children loved blowing the straws and they made simple but intricate shapes, which gave the pictures a nice realistic touch.

  • Jenene

    My art class last year did this project for Remembrance Day…red poppies with purple centers. The effect was spectacular!! I just completed the project again with my general fourth grade class for Valentine’s gifts for their parents and bookmarks for their pen-pals…they loved it! So easy and so beautiful! Thank you for the idea!

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