Need a quick, easy lesson that can be completed in 30 minutes? These fall leaves are perfect.
All you need is:
– Crayons/oil pastels
– Liquid watercolor paints
– Regular sulphite paper (I cut the paper in half so we’re only dealing with a 9″ x 6″ sheet)
Creating the Leaves
The instructions are easy. I read a picture book about fall leaves, stopping at illustrations that showed the leaves up close, and then demonstrated how to draw simple leaves. They picked whatever color of oil pastel they liked (if you are teaching color theory, you can set out warm or cool colored pastels), and drew as many leaves onto the paper.
Some kids will need help, but really, I just wanted the kids to have fun with lines–squiggly, curved, straight, etc. After the lines are drawn, I set out trays of watercolor paint. They mingled colors and within a few minutes, they were lining up at the drying rack. Fast.
First Grade Watercolors

Want more lessons for your fall art activities? Download this lesson guide by clicking the yellow button below and we’ll send you a PDF on How to Draw a Pumpkin!
Thank you for providing so much inspiration! i linked to your site from my blog today.
I just love your site. Thank you for giving me the confidence to walk into a classroom and teach art. I’m really looking forward to trying the watercolour lesson with a class on Thursday.
I linked to your site from my blog today.
So pretty! Loved this project, which I did with my granddaughter yesterday. She was in awe with how the oil pastels resist the paint. Such fun! Thank you.
Thanks April!
Thanks for the great idea! I used this project with our preschool co-op. You can see our projects, and other leaf week activities at
Nice article. Almost I prefer water colors for my drawings. Your instructions may helps more for my drawings. Thank you so much for your tips on water colors.
I tried this art lesson with my 1st graders. It was fun, easy and they each turned out fabulous!
I LOVE your website, thankyou for sharing your work with us.
oh yeah, i did do one thing different, we added “wind” using white oil pastel as our last drawing step. Then painted and the ooohs and aaahs were wonderful. it was like a magic trick for them.
Your site is awesome! Great stuff 🙂 Thank you for sharing! I added you to
You are great!