In this episode of Art Made Easy I’m diving down the rabbit hole of personality tests. Don’t know if you are a fan, but I’ve been literally obsessed with the Myers-Briggs test since I listen to The Mind Your Business podcast a few months ago.
Here’s what I learned; by knowing what makes you tick, you can learn how to become a better teacher, engage in activities that bring you more joy and be around people who compliment you. You may not be overly familiar with personality test, but trust me, knowing the reasons why you do what you do really helps with making decisions—big and small.
This episode is for anyone who is interested in being happier at work, choosing activities that energize you and learning how to manage your personal relationships.
It’s also a lot of fun figuring out who you really are!
– How knowing what makes you “tick” can actually make you a better teacher
– How just being good at something doesn’t mean you should build a career from it
– That my strength was a single verb, “Create”, which has guided everything I do from my blog to my lessons
– What the four categories of the Myers-Briggs Personality Test are
– Where we get our energy from is the key to determining if we are an introvert or extrovert
– How you have to throw out your preconceived ideas of what people are based on their occupation
– How people with opposite personality traits can make a relationship work
– Why understanding other peoples’ personality types can make it easier to work with them

My best advice for teaching art to kids.
In this episode of Art Made Easy I’m diving down the rabbit hole of personality tests. Don’t know if you are a fan, but I’ve been literally obsessed with the Myers-Briggs test since I listen to The Mind Your Business podcast a few months ago.
Here’s what I learned; by knowing what makes you tick, you can learn how to become a better teacher, engage in activities that bring you more joy and be around people who compliment you. You may not be overly familiar with personality test, but trust me, knowing the reasons why you do what you do really helps with making decisions—big and small.
This episode is for anyone who is interested in being happier at work, choosing activities that energize you and learning how to manage your personal relationships.
It’s also a lot of fun figuring out who you really are!
– How knowing what makes you “tick” can actually make you a better teacher
– How just being good at something doesn’t mean you should build a career from it
– That my strength was a single verb, “Create”, which has guided everything I do from my blog to my lessons
– What the four categories of the Myers-Briggs Personality Test are
– Where we get our energy from is the key to determining if we are an introvert or extrovert
– How you have to throw out your preconceived ideas of what people are based on their occupation
– How people with opposite personality traits can make a relationship work
– Why understanding other peoples’ personality types can make it easier to work with them
The Mind Your Business Podcast, with James Wedmore and Phoebe Mroczek (if you are a creative entrepreneur and haven’t listened to this podcast, you need to check it out. You’ll love it. I promise.)
Episode 020: Know Thyself, Know Thy Business
Episode 021: Know Thyself (Part 2)
Marcus Buckingham on Oprah
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham
Take a Myers-Briggs Test and Read About your Type
Did you enjoy this show? Get automatic updates by subscribing to Art Made Easy on iTunes

The Mind Your Business Podcast, with James Wedmore and Phoebe Mroczek (if you are a creative entrepreneur and haven’t listened to this podcast, you need to check it out. You’ll love it. I promise.)
Episode 020: Know Thyself, Know Thy Business
Episode 021: Know Thyself (Part 2)
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham
Take a Myers-Briggs Test and Read About your Type

My best advice for teaching art to kids.
Yes, the day has come!
After a long time deciding if, I finally said when.
Thank you SO much for your encouragement, show suggestions and help getting Art Made Easy off the ground.
Many of you were so pumped about this show but confessed that you had no idea what a podcast was. I love you guys for your unbridled enthusiasm.
Here’s a quick definition of a podcast & what to expect from Art Made Easy:
A podcast is a free radio show. The host (me!) interviews guests or talks about a favorite subject. You get to listen through your computer, laptop or smart phone. I like to listen to my favorite podcasts in my car during long travel days or on my walks via set of ear buds and my iPhone.
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And now onto the show…
For my first show, I wanted to tell you my story of how I became an art teacher. We all have different paths and this one is mine. I’ll share advice to those who are just starting out as an art teacher and some of my best tips for teaching art to kids.
This episode is for anyone who thinks they may not have the qualifications to be an art teacher. Teaching art to kids doesn’t have to happen inside a classroom. You can teach art at home, at a summer camp and even as a volunteer (like I did).
If you are an art teacher just beginning your journey, I’m sharing my best advice to get you through that tough first year. Download my free handout and keep it in your teacher planner and refer to it when you have a tough day.
Drawing With Children: A Creative Method for Adult Beginners, Too
Art Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Adventures in Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Paper, and Mixed Media-For Budding Artists of All Ages (Lab Series)
National Art Convention
CreativeLive- free online classes
Art Teachers Facebook Group
Website: Painted Paper in the Art Room (Laura Lohmann)
Website: Art of Education
Book: Classroom Management for Art, Music, and PE Teachers
PS – Please leave a review on iTunes!
Art Made Easy is now live on iTunes! Subscribing to the show and leaving an honest review really helps the show gain visibility and allows me to tailor the show to your needs.

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I’m an ENFJ and what’s funny is I took this personality test over the summer with my kids! I did have to think really hard between the Introvert and Extrovert category! I loved to spend time alone in my room as a kid and would either be reading or sewing! I also loved having a few close friends and staying at home! I really think I’ve got qualities of both of the categories so it was difficult to choose. After reading the descriptions of both INFJ and ENFJ I think I fall more in the EFNJ category! What fun it is t otry and figure out what makes us tick! I really enjoyed your Pod Cast! Thanks so much! 🙂 Carla Lee
Can’t wait!
I wonder if this is part of why I feel so connected to you – WE ARE THE SAME! I am also an INFJ. I used to be a T, but motherhood, maturity, and loss have transformed me into an F. I know now more than ever that we are “kindred spirits!” LOVED the show!
YES! Of course we are kindred spirits!
INFP-T here. I rely on guided drawings in K-2 to build skill and confidence.
I am an INFJ, too! I can’t believe how accurate the descriptions of this type are for me.