
Turn your child’s artwork into gift tags


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Do you have your children’s precious artwork stored in bins and folders? If they are holiday related, you’re in luck! Turn them into adorable gift tags or holiday cards. I plucked one of my Kinder students artwork to show you the possibilities….

You can use any photo-editing program, but the only one I am even remotely familiar with is Photoshop Elements. You can select the snowman’s image using the quick selection tool and go around the snowman until all the right pixels are captured. Then, once everything that I want is contained within the “marching ants”, I simply cut and paste onto a new, blank file in Photoshop. Save that picture to your desktop or a folder.

Turn your children’s winter art into holiday gift tags

Printing Your Image

On your printer, you can select to print up to 16 images onto 1 page. By doing this, you of course, make the image smaller. The tag I’m using is a craft punch and I know the resulting tag won’t be too big, so I opted for the smallest size. The whole idea here is to print a bunch of the selected image (in my case, the snowman) onto card stock.

Turn your children’s winter art into holiday gift tags

Creating the Tags

Once the image is printed onto card stock (I chose a vanilla color), its time to make the tags. I bought a huge tag punch at Michaels craft store and punched out my little guys, but you could just as easily use a pair of scissors or a straight edge cutter. While I was at the craft store, I bought a glue pen and some fine glitter. Wowzy! They sure do have a lot of fun stuff in the crafting aisles! Normally I walk right past the craft aisle on route to the art aisle, but this visit has changed my tune.

So you can use the fine point glue stick (who invented this amazing tool anyways???) and then shake the glitter on. A little tapping reveals such delightful embellishments. And I thought the snowman couldn’t get any cuter!

Turn your children’s winter art into holiday gift tags

Making Cards

Making cards from your children’s artwork is just as easy. Avery brands has card making kits at most office supply stores and since I had a ton leftover from my last Christmas party invites, I decided to experiment. To be honest, without the instructions, I was completely lost as to how to put the blasted paper through the printer, but I think it’s my printers fault. Seriously. My old printer had Avery settings and all I had to do was match up the number on the box to the number on my printer screen. Easy peasy. Not this time, but I’m sure you guys are smarter than me.Turn your children’s winter art into holiday gift tags

If you want, you can add small stickers or die-cuts or make some yourself. I thought it would be cute to add my daughter’s signature to one of the tags…and of course, add glitter!

I hope you pull some of your child’s artwork from that overstuffed Rubbermaid tub and get a little crafty this holiday season!

Do you have any special gifts that you make with artwork?

Want more lesson ideas for the holidays? Download this free lesson guide by clicking the yellow button below and I’ll send you my 5 Non-Religious Projects for the Holidays!

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  • Jude

    I will definitely be pulling out the artwork. Must invest in one of those tag cutters though!

  • J.Cooper

    There is a free program you can download from cnet.com called G.I.M.P. or Graphic Imaging Manipulation Program. It is set up very similarly to PS Elements. All the features with none of the cost! For those who want something like PS Elements but can’t afford it this is a great alternative. And because it is free – many school systems tech support have no problem letting you install it onto your school computers.

  • Erica Forman

    What a great idea! I love Deep Space Sparkle with all of my heart. What a blessing to us all it is! Thank you Patty for everything that you do and all that you are.

    • Sue Thomas

      Erica, thanks for saying exactly how I feel also!!! What would we do without Patty Palmer, her DSS creative ideas and sharing? Patty, thanks for being so generous.

  • Laura@art4littlehands

    What a wonderful idea!

  • Amelia leydon

    This website has helped me with ideas and art its self Thanks a mill

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