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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Before I devoted most of my time developing art lessons, I was a writer. I wrote everyday, playing with words and creating my fictional world. My writing teacher encouraged us to be ourselves and to try not to copy another’s writing style. That was our struggle; to believe that our voice was enough. One evening, she began our class with this quote:


I was utterly moved by these words. Although this was something I knew in my heart, it was the middle part of the quote that resonated with me:

“It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions.”

Isn’t that beautiful? And true?

Its what we hope to teach our students or at least show them that what they create, whether in art class, or at home, is valued.

Its easy to believe this for our kids….we know they are unique…but it’s important for us to know it as well.

I’m speaking at the CAEA (California Art Educator’s Association) next month in Sausilito. My talk is about Artful Blogging. Although I’m giving my top ten tips for creating an inspiring blog, it’s my true hope that the participants will leave inspired and ready to place their unique stamp onto the world–or at least the art ed blogging world.

Whether you write a post about art assessment or how to mix paint, your voice and perspective is unique to you. That’s what sets us apart. We all blog about similar things, but it’s our choices in colors, photography, fonts, images and most especially our words that makes us different.

Will you be there?

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  • Kris Bien

    I absolutely love this inspirational quote. I plan on sharing it with the art docents at our school. We have a wonderful group of committed, creative. volunteer parents. As a big believer in the power of quotations, there is so much to be learned from others. Each person can uniquely share their ideas to provoke, inspire, make us feeling different things, and make us laugh out loud. Thank you, Patty!

  • Julia

    This just may be the best quote I’ve ever read. Thank you for sharing!

  • Ella

    You’ve written this and I’ve read it in perfect timing. Thank you! I have two blogs one is apinterest style pinboard and the other is more about my life as an art teacher and mother. I’ve been really struggling to find my voice and I keep putting posting on my “blog” off as I can’t seem to accept that I have anything of value to share, I know I do!

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