When new books come on the market–from Oprah’s book pics to pursuing the Costco aisles –they usually ends up on my bedside table. It’s my own version of FOMO.
I just don’t want to miss out on the latest great reads like Elizabeth’s Gilbert’s Big Magic or BrenĂ© Brown’s Daring Greatly.
And with all the titles I’ve picked up lately, I’ve noticed a common theme in many of them: Loneliness.
It makes sense.
We live more independently than ever. Using our phones to generate conversations with people with only know through online communities.
But even with this scope of “friends’, many people will self-identify as lonely.
Coming from a close-knit family that throws a lot of parties, I love connecting with people–even for a short time–through a shared interest and celebration. True. I love my alone time. But I need and love real connections.
And it’s from this love of parties and connection that I knew an art teacher workshop was something that was missing.

My first art workshop was more than a small gathering. 90 art teachers gathered together for a day to create art. It went so well, I did two more.
Then, things started to get complicated.
The timing wasn’t right.
The expenses were high.
The planning was overwhelming.
I pushed back and opted for a more convenient, online approach instead.
But art teachers reached out and hinted that they really needed the workshops. I heard what they were saying, but my initial response was overwhelm.

I know teaching art is a lonely job. I know art teachers need feel loved, sported, pampered, creative and admired for what they do each day. But selfishly, I thought that I didn’t want to bear that burden. At least on a regular basis.
But that changed recently.

As our art membership grows (learn more about The Sparklers Club), my responsibilities change.
And when this happens, my time is fractured.
And as more of my time is spent in team meetings and Zoom calls, my time interacting with the people who I started this business for, has grown less.
Turns out, loneliness was creeping in for me, too…
I became nostalgic for the excitement of learning a new art technique, or seeing how a paint is used by another teacher.

There is nothing better than sharing something you love with people who are as crazy passionate as you are.

In the end, when all of the details of organizing a workshop are considered and factored in, it may not seem worth the time on paper.

But when you can physically reach out and hug someone you have known for years but never met, or share a knowing look with an art teacher who you know has been through a lot, well, let’s just say it’s worth it.

This art workshop was energizing for me. It paved the way for the knowing that I can take this on. I can facilitate these meet-ups so that art teachers can connect with each other and know they are adored and admired.

Together, this group made a difference.
To each other and to me.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your world!

Team Sparkle is considering coming to different parts of the country to share our love of art with teachers. Make sure to stay in touch by getting on our newsletter mailing list. You can do that by downloading an awesome Freebie pack like this one.
What a heartwarming post – I cannot tell you the amount of women I spoke to after who enjoyed the art, the community, and your spirit of making them believe that they can honestly do anything.
But I also think one of the biggest parts of community, is if you choose to do more of them, and wherever you choose to do them, knowing that you don’t have to do them alone.
And as for this one – thank you so much for having us! Meeting women who have become my friend online finally in person, including you, was incredible.
Patty ~
You are such a genuine, authentic person which is part of why we all love being DSS Sparklers!
What you represent as an art teacher, creator, communicator, approachable leader is amazing and beloved! Team Sparkle a lot of effort went into this incredible workshop – you gals hit it out of the park!
As a result, I’ve met (and am now in touch with) a bunch of fellow teachers (one in my own town!) and I really enjoyed meeting you and your wonderful team!
I’m so happy you’re considering future workshops!
You truly are a “DifferenceMaker”!
Thank you so much Alison! I really appreciate your lovely comments.
You are Wonderfully Sparkled.
It’s just great your art I wish I lived closed to your country the USA
I grew up in Chicago..but now I live in Italy.
Ilive in the island of Sicily.
I really would like to set a DEEP SPACE SPARKLE school or Community like yours.
I am a teacher who teaches English Language at Middle school but I love kiddos too.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language is my passion.I am fond of Art Drawing.
I just love your drawing and the bright colours you use.