Art Stories From Around the World India: AME 059 Teaching Art in India

Teaching Art in a Remote Village in Northern India: AME 059


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

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Art Stories From Around the World India: AME 059 Teaching Art in India

How do you introduce children to art in a remote region of the world where  children have little exposure to expressive art? Where do you start? Where do you find supplies?

Celia Fisher not only has the resume, but the passion. Working with slum kids in Southern India, an indigenous school in Queensland and at an International school in Vietnam, Celia knows what is required to create an art program that celebrates children.

In our third installment of our summer podcast series, Art Stories Around the World, Celia shares what it’s like to teach in a school she and her husband built in Northern India.

Scroll down to download the art project created by Celia that represents her student’s village.


• Celia’s biggest challenges and the strategies she uses to overcome them.
• How this rural community views education and how that differs from other cultures.
• Why Celia does the work she does, even when the community doesn’t understand its importance
• How she is able to broaden the children’s knowledge of culture and their ways of thinking on a daily basis


In the interview, Celia paints a lovely picture of what its like living in this part of the world: how the rainy season impacts the community, the topography of the region and how art is perceived. Celia offers two approaches to bringing art to her students in a way that connects them with their community.

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Get in touch with Celia and see what art projects her students are working on by clicking HERE for the RightHope School Facebook page.


Have you ever been to India? Have you created an art project based on the Indian culture?

I’d love to hear what your experiences have been!

What do you think?

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  • Cindy Friday Beeman

    I’m curious where you were in Southern India. I went to India for my son’s wedding reception with his in-laws’ family on the dad’s side. We wemt tp Deli to take the tourist trip to see the Taj Mahal and Jaipur. We went back to fly to Bengaluru, and drove to Mysuru and then to the foothills to Sringeri. Loved the food, and our hosts were so generous and welcoming. We visited a school in Mysore started by Baba, which is where my son’s mother-in-law went to school. They gave us the grand tour, and I totally see your point about art because the walls were often bare, and I didn’t see student work up. A lot of recitation. Such cute and devoted students and staff. I’m halfway through the podcast and loving it! We use guided drawing to draw California missions, with oil pastels, and have great success. God bless your work!

    • Celia Fisher

      Hi Cindy,
      Thank you for your interest and questions.
      We have visited many parts of southern India, our children were at an international boarding school in Ootacamund, not so far from Mysore. We lived in Andhra Pradesh. It’s rare to see student work up because it’s all just copying whatever they’re told to do, without learning to analyse or have an opinion or use imagination. But education is very highly regarded and students really need to succeed in their exams, especially if they’re poor!

  • Jenn Neron

    I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I love learning about education as a whole but especially how it is in other countries. Such great work Celia and her husband are accomplishing. Thank you for sharing your experiences Celia.

  • Anna August

    Hi Patty I love listening to your podcast and wait for it every week . I figured you were taking a long family break and I am so happy you are back . I love all the inspiration and listening to the interviews will you do with all the different art teachers . Thank you

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