Art Around the World-Tobago

Taking a Chance & Pursuing Passion with Kristy GoPaul from Trinidad: AME 061


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Art Around the World-Tobago

We all have a dream—something we long to do if only…the if only’s have a tendency to get in the way for most of us, but not Kristy.

Growing up in Trinidad & Tobago, Kristy remembers always gravitating towards anything creative. But in an educational climate where only academics are encouraged, Kristy was encouraged to pursue math and business. She became an accountant and now helps her husband run their construction business.

The urge to draw, paint and create was just too strong. So, despite many obstacles, Kristy decided that she would open an art studio for children. No experience. No teaching degree. Just desire.

In this episode of our art series, Art Stories from Around the World, Kristy shares her story of how she started her art camp for kids and what her plans are for the future.


  • Why Kristy went in a different direction with her career despite having a passion for the arts
  • Reasons why there isn’t a focus on art for grades K through 6 in Trinidad & Tobago
  • How Kristy strived to pursue her creative endeavours outside of her career in accounting
  • Why Kristy involves the culture of her country into the art curriculum she teaches children
  • How Kristy plans to change the perception of art in her community
  • Why the classroom should be a place of difference as well as kindness





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  • Beverley

    Way to go Kristy,. I am so proud of you that despite all the obstacles you were able to push and achieve your dreams. On top of that you actually started something that no one has ever dared to do. You are such a gift in a society where art is not given enough attention, keep it up.

  • Natalia

    So great to see Trinidad represented here 🙂 I’m a fellow art teacher right around the corner Kristy and I only recently saw your classes now you’re on DSS! Good for you 🙂 Love your blog by the way Patty I’ve ben following you for years and your lessons have been a God-send and an inspiration 🙂 Every child needs art, so I’m thrilled that people are starting to pay a little more attention to it in my neck of the woods. The gov’t is actually running an art camp for adults who want to turn art into a creative business this year so I think that is also a step in the right direction. YAY for T&T!

    • Patty

      Kristy is pretty amazing…so new to art but taking the major plunge to learn more. Love that about her. And how wonderful you two can collaborate. That really helps.Hope you both keep us posted on the great things you are doing.

    • Kristy

      Thank you Natalia. Great we are both making Trinidad a better place by teaching Art to kids. Patty really is an inspiration to me. She has really made,teaching Art to kids a,whole lot easier.

  • evymari

    Loved hearing how passionate she is about sharing her love of art and how caring she is with the children she is teaching. We need more of that in this world. Thank you for sharing this story.

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