Oh yes. It’s that time of year.
Book time!

I’ve been stacking my night table with a delicious assortment of books in anticipation of those glorious days when nothing is scheduled. When it’s just me, a bag of salt & vinegar chips, and a tall diet coke.
As soon as the days grow long and summer is clearly here, I head out to the book store to purchase my summer reads.
And just last week, I spent an entire day at Powell’s Books in Portland. I expended so much energy that I needed to refuel with a red velvet cupcake and latte. I’m telling you. Book searching takes work.
So to save you all the exhaustive energy it takes to walk down book aisles, I give you a few selections to consider.
Here are my top picks for summer beach reads…

How to Catch a Frog by Heather Ross
This is one of those books that caught my eye as I was roaming through Powells. The soft illustrations reminded me of my decade of reading middle grade novels. I also took note of the author, illustrator Heather Ross. She is a textile designer that wrote a graphic design book a few years ago and is currently sitting on my shelf for favorite art books.
This particular title is her autobiography of growing up poor and independent with an infinity for everything home focused. This is a great read if you wonder how your parenting style affects kids as they grow up and make their mark in their world. I’m currently loving this book, for both the exquisite writing style and her pull-me-in stories.
Creative Quest by Questlove
The first line in the intro says it all…
Decades into my career, with many albums and songs under my belt, I still don’t know if I’m truly creative.
I have a feeling this book will resonate with me. This is the one I’m saving for my chaise lounge on a hot day.
The Second Mountain by David Brooks
Oprah interviewed David on SuperSoul Sunday last month and I ordered the book through Amazon 15 minutes into their conversation. I started reading it on my trip to Portland, underlining sentences that were beautiful, thought-provoking and painfully true. I’m on page 23 because every single page deserves savoring. So far this maybe the best book I’ve read in a long time.
City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Signature of All Things was one of my favorite books, so I have big hopes for this one. This is the book I’m saving for the cottage with my big bag of Hostess Salt & Vinegar chips.
Lost and Wanted by Nell Freudenberger
I’m halfway through this one because life got busy and Game of Thrones final season consumed my evenings. This is coming to the beach with me next weekend.
Vera: The Art and Life of an Icon by Susan Seid
I love, love, love this book. It’s for all of YOU who want to peer into someone’s very cool, creative life.
Here are my top picks for mindset, business, and living a best life…

This is Marketing: You Can’t be Seen Until You Learn to See by Seth Godin
I’m about a third of the way through this one and soaking up every word. It just might be my favorite marketing book because of Godin’s straightforward way of telling the truth about marketing. He really is a genius. He also writes with such economy that it could be a book about writing.
Spark: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success by Angie Morgan, Courtney Lynch and Sean Lynch
I get a little suspect when it takes 3 people to write a book. The truth is, I found this book accidentally. When I moved into my new office space in Santa Barbara, this book was in one of my cupboards in my new office. It seemed to say, “You just made a great decision”. That I was meant to be here, in this rented and very expensive space. I mean, wouldn’t you have felt the same if you saw a business book called Spark?
Happy Teachers Change the World by Thich Nhat Hahn and Katherine Weare
This book is bigger than I wanted it to be, but the title was just too good to pass up.
Radical Candor by Kim Scott
This one was recommended by a couple of ladies in my business mastermind. And when they suggest a book, you bet I’ll read it.
All links in this post are affiliate links from which we get a portion of the profits.
Thank you for putting together book list like this. Seeing what is on book shelves from other locations is like being in the biggest book store in the world! I know I would never see many of these titles if not here. There are just so many differences in what is promoted locally and regionally and then nationally. I appreciate this!