Feature Sparkler Stories What the Membership is all About-02 (1)

Sparklers Stories! What the Membership is all about


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

Our Favorite Resources:

For Art Teachers:

For Business Owners:

How to Teach Art:

Kids Video Art Lessons:

The Sparklers’ Club membership has evolved into one of the leading sources of lessons and curriculum’s for art teachers worldwide. Since our humble beginnings in 2016, we have enrolled over 20,000 teachers! It’s been such an honor for our team to serve art teachers at this level.

We wanted to showcase some of our amazing members and share with you what has helped them the most.

We know how stressful and lonely being an art teacher can be, and The Sparklers’ Club is here to help you focus on your special gifts while we take care of the things that sometimes get in the way. By reducing the amount of time you spend planning lessons, piecing together curriculums, and aligning your state standards to your projects, you can spend your energy on teaching!

Stephanie Sparkler Stories What the Membership is all About

Not sure if the membership is right for you? Sparkler Stephanie Councill would ask, Why wouldn’t you join? It’s the sense of freedom and confidence that Stephanie cites as the best thing about being a Sparkler. She writes….

I remember drooling over the membership and wondering how I could afford the monthly fee (at that time I was teaching as a volunteer). The idea of a library of lesson plans and the bonus of a curriculum plan to follow sounded like a DREAM! Of course, it has been SO MUCH MORE than just a file of lessons! My advice to anyone debating the membership is to JOIN. The fee is so minimal in comparison to the education and resources you get. And when you feel overwhelmed, sit back and relax knowing you CAN rely on the lessons available just as they are.

Erin Sparkler Stories What the Membership is all About

Have you needed a sub this year? Like many of you, Erin Curlee-Hatfield worries about her students if she has a sick day. But putting together her Sub Plan binder found in the Substitute Teacher Bundle, students were taken care of while she was on maternity leave.

Erin writes,

The Sparklers’ Club is a game changer for me. I felt so much less overwhelmed by lesson planning, and I love the flexibility of the program. The lessons are easy to put together for subs, which makes dealing with absences so much easier! I had a baby in January of 2020, and DSS was such a lifesaver when I was putting together lessons for my maternity leave. I wasn’t sure if my sub would be someone with a background in art, so I was able to choose lessons with simple supplies, and I knew the lesson plans would be easy to follow for any teacher.

Heather Sparkler Stories What the Membership is all About

Do you struggle coming up with lessons that meet administrators expectations on standards? Heather Guasco learned the secret to successful lesson planning starts with The Sparklers’ Club because the resources are designed to meet your exact specifications and are exactly aligned with grade level expectations and skills.

Heather writes,  

Coming from my general education background, I am used to studying the standards and working backwards to plan curriculum that gets us to our end goal.  I approached art the same way, which made Deep Space Sparkle the best choice for me for two main reasons: standards are always included, and “I can” statements are written for students to understand the specific skill or concept we are practicing with each art lesson. This has huge appeal to me as an educator!

Linda Sparkler Stories What the Membership is all About

Are you an art novice who needs a little artistic inspiration? Sparkler Linda Tvedt has been with us since the 2016. She began teaching art to her grandchilkdren and now has expanded to teaching over 125 kids!

Linda writes,

This is my 5th year teaching, I have learned a lot, mostly through The Sparklers’ Club membership…  I had never used chalk pastels, oil pastels, tempera paint, I did not know how to guide a directed drawing, I didn’t know anything about artists…  other than that Van Gogh, Monet.. etc. were artists. I was 58 when I realized what I should be when I grow up…  an art teacher! So I have no formal training or art education, but with Deep Space Sparkle…  it has made me not only an art teacher, but a very competent and confident art teacher. None of this would have been possible without The Sparklers’ Club.

There is room for everyone inside The Sparklers’ Club. If you’re interested in beginning your own Sparkler success story… click here to join the waitlist!

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  • Silvia Grossi

    I teach French Immersion, are your resources also in French?
    What is the membership fee?

    • Bethany

      Hi Silvia! At this time our lessons in The Sparklers’ Club are in English only. Our membership is closed right now but you can join the waitlist https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/join-waitlist/ and we will update you on the membership pricing when enrollment reopens 🙂
      We’d love to welcome you into the community!

    • Brooke Saffle

      Hello! I’m currently a 2nd grade teacher who may have the opportunity to be the K-5 art teacher at my school next school year. I’m taking the course on Saturday, but am wondering what Sparkler Club is appropriate for me. I would be spending my own money for the course (without knowing what next year will look like). What do you think would be best?

      • Bethany

        Hi Brooke! We are so happy you found us. The Sparklers’ Club is our membership program and then we offer two different payment plans for your membership. We have a monthly and yearly payment plan. If you have any other questions about The Sparklers’ Club please email support@deepspacesparkle.com. We hope you’ll join us!

  • Tanya Wardle

    Looking forward to learning more about DSS.

  • Holly

    It is August! Will membership be opening soon? I am anxious/excited!

    • Patty

      Very soon! Enrollment begins this Sunday, August 7th! Hope you can join us for our kick-off workshop >

    • Bethany

      Hi Holly! Thanks so much for you interest in The Sparklers’ Club. Enrollment opens on August 7th and will go through August 14th at midnight.
      To get on the Sparklers’ Club waitlist click here: https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/. We hope to see you in The Sparklers’ Club soon 🎉

    • Holly

      I have been on the waitlist, I just wasn’t sure when it was releasing. Trying to plan my year and am hopeful this will be a great resource. Thanks for the update!

  • sandy fisher

    I teach preschool art and i feel these lessons work well for my older students. I have watched two of your video’s today and feel like they are a good fit for me! Excited to watch more!!

  • Monique Della Santina

    I’d like the info to possibly join the membership but wasn’t sure how to get in the waitlist?

  • Fathi

    How can I get the membership

  • Geraldine

    How much is membership each month thanks

  • Leticia Alvarez

    Hello, I am currently a member and was wondering where I could find substitute lesson plans and ideas. Thank you.

    • Bethany

      Hi Leticia! We have two bundles of Sub Plan lessons. You need to first log in to The Sparklers’ Club. Then using the search tool in the top right corner of the page search for Sub Plans. Both bundles should pop up there as well as other suggested lessons that would be great for Subs!