Draw and color a Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin- Halloween Art project

Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Grab your markers and a few sheets of drawing paper and get ready to create a Romero Britto inspired pumpkin!

This project used kid-friendly markers like Crayola or Faber-Castell and basic white paper – either 80 lb white sulphite paper or white cardstock.

Coloring with markers can get a bit tedious unless the drawing is broken up into smaller sections, which is exactly how Britto creates his art. There is always a main subject that features interacting lines, bold details and bright colors.


Growing up in Recife, Brazil with eight brothers and sisters, Romero Britto excelled in the classroom but art with his passion. He traveled to Europe in 1983 to study the masters and after exhibiting in a few private shows, he was encouraged to travel to the United States where pop art was flourishing.

Britto is a modern day pop culture icon and the youngest and most successful pop artist of his generation. His cubism style of art brings together bright colors, balanced patterns and playful themes.

Britto has often been compared to other pop artist painters such as Warhol, Lichtenstein and Haring.


– 12″ x 9″ white sulphite paper or card stock

– Black waterproof pen (Sharpie brand is great)

– Crayola or Faber-Castell markers

Download the Romero Britto-Inspired Pumpkin art resource by clicking the image below. Type in your name and email, and we will email it straight to you!

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In the center of the paper, use a thick black marker to draw the pumpkin. Keep the design simple, big and free of small, sketchy details.

The key to drawing like Britto is strong lines so once you have your main shape, go over the lines with an extra tracing of the black marker.

Draw and color a Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin- Halloween Art project

Use short lines to divide the shapes within the drawing into smaller shapes. Feel free to add your own flair.

Add a grid to the background. Break up the grids with additional shapes or lines.

Use the colored markers to color in shapes. Not all sections need a solid color. Some areas could be striped or filled with bubbles or hearts. You decide!

Draw and color a Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin- Halloween Art project

Look at a collection of Britto’s art and study how he uses colors and pattern.

Can you see how he combines colored lines over solid shapes? How he uses geometric shapes for emphasis? The thickness of the black lines he uses?

Draw and color a Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin- Halloween Art project

Have fun with this coloring step!

Draw and color a Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin- Halloween Art project

Here are a few more Britt-Inspired art projects to check out…

Britto Hearts (Drawing guide and video!)

St. Patrick’s Day Britto 4-Leaf Clover (Drawing guide and video!)

Love Romero Britto and pop art? The Sparklers Club is a membership that includes full-length art lessons with standards, done-for-you curriculums and all the resources you need to create an inspiring art program.

Within our library of proven-lessons, are handfuls of pop artist-inspired projects with artists such as Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Lichtenstein and more. Click here to join the waitlist and get informed when our next enrollment period opens.

Draw and color a Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin- Halloween Art project

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  • darcyt51

    I’m saving this awesome looking lesson until the crazy week of halloween – this should keep the excited kiddos busy! Thanks:)

  • lchorkan


  • Anvi Jain

    your art is beautiful I love your drawings. (Anvi Jain 6year old)

    • chrystal

      I bet you have great drawings too, Anvi!

  • Moira

    Thank you for sharing your plans for this fun art project and also for sharing the plans for your adorable llama! We study Peru in Grade 3 Social Studies. This is a perfect art project!
    Enjoy your travels in Peru 🙂

  • Eb

    The paints of Romero Brito are beatiful !

  • Valerie

    Want try this with my class

  • Leena

    Love this project!
    Will be trying it out today with 2nd and 3rd graders ! Thank you for amazing projects!

    • Patty

      You are so welcome! Glad you find them helpful 🙂

  • Patti

    Looking for something quick for fall and this seems perfect!
    Thank you!

  • May Santos


  • Matilda Scanlan

    I’m looking forward to using this idea. Many thanks.

  • Art


  • 0madisonb❤

    When I found this video I kept making pumpkins for my family and friends and they loved them. Prefect for Hallloween! 😀

  • Jonathan M

    It was great.

    • kayla

      This was extremely fun! My writing teacher gave this link to us and I’m doing this one right now. I just wanted you to know that this is a extremely great website for all ages to watch and do it!

    • Evan


  • Christian

    this art project was so fun to do

  • Brigitte

    Hi Patty, what age would you recommend this lesson for?

    • Patty

      Hi Brigitte! In a class setting with many kids, and if you are reinforcing patterns and marker craftmanship, the best ages are 8 and up.
      I find 3rd graders love to work for longer periods of time with coloring patterns with markers. But older kids will add many extra details.

  • Kae Hayworth

    Can I use this website for a choice board link to help explain the project?

    • Bethany

      Hi Kae, because this is a free and public project it is available for you to us or link to.

  • Carmen Ivette Atagracia Maldonado

    Excelente herramienta de trabajo, muy útil para mis chicos, soy maestra de Arte en Puerto Rico.

  • Pkxdsongs

    Can you do a newspaper one?

  • Amanda Lohrer

    Thank you

  • Sandra Ritchie

    What a wonderful activity! Thank you.

  • Faith Woods

    It does not have clear instructions.

    • Bethany

      Hi Faith! There are directions in the blog as well as images to follow, and a free handout you can download to inspire your creativity! Full lesson plans, slide decks and additional resources come with our lessons inside The Sparklers’ Club. Enjoy.

  • Kim Winfield

    I love this lesson plan. Thank you for including information about the artists in your lessons. This creates rich learning experiences for our students!

  • Isabelle

    J’adore toutes vos idées d’arts plastiques , faciles à mettre en oeuvre avec les élèves ! Tout le monde y prend plaisir, les élèves et moi ! Merci !!!!

  • Parthina Scruggs

    It was so unique and easy, the students love it.

  • Valerie

    It would look good as stained glass

  • Jennifer Tinjum

    great idea

  • RuthAnn Pickett

    Great project for all ages! Thank you for the inspiration!

  • Janese

    cant download for some reason.

    • Bethany

      Hi Janise! Everything is working on our end. If you click the download button and add your email address we will send the lesson directly to your inbox. Be sure to check your Spam or Junk folders to make sure it didn’t end up there. We have found that the Firefox browser doesn’t work as well on our site but both Chrome & Safari browsers work so be sure to try using one of those. Enjoy.

  • Debora Smith

    I’m not able to print out from this page. Is it something on your end or mine? I am a member.

    • Bethany

      Hi Debora! I just tested the link to the Romero Britto inspired Pumpkin and everything is working on our end. If you click the download button and add your email address we will send the lesson directly to your inbox. Be sure to check your Spam or Junk folders to make sure it didn’t end up there. We have found that the Firefox browser doesn’t work as well on our site but both Chrome & Safari browsers work so be sure to try using one of those. Enjoy.

  • Diana Espinoza

    can’t wait to try this with my kiddos this week

  • Mary Harvel

    so fun

  • Brenda

    Is it possible to get a printable copy of the pumpkin that is on the example, not the drawing guide one?

    • Bethany

      Hi Brenda! Thanks so much for your interest in our lesson. You can follow the directions in this blog for the Romero Britto Inspired Pumpkin or click to download the pdf copy. We hope your students enjoy the lesson.

  • Kristine Dibble

    The image isn’t linked to download or enter an email. Is anyone else having trouble with this?

  • Amanda Jones

    This is adorable!


    very nice cool and warm colour exercize and lines patterns too!

  • Dawn Marie Cort

    Why will it not allow me to download the file, it keeps spinning the loop of doom blue circle once I have put my information in. I would love to do this with my kids. I had the same problem with Balloons over Broadway.

    • Bethany

      Hi Dawn! I’m sorry for the troubles you are having. Our downloads are still available! Everything is working on our end. If you click the download button and add your email address we will send the lesson directly to your inbox. Be sure to check your Spam or Junk folders to make sure it didn’t end up there. We have found that the Firefox browser doesn’t work as well on our site but both Chrome & Safari browsers work so be sure to try using one of those. And lastly, if you are on a school computer there could be a firewall preventing the download from reaching you. I hope that helps.

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