
How to Protect Your Content: AME 079


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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AME 079: How to Protect Your Creative Content

Do you offer tutorials, projects or handouts on social media, but get uneasy when someone swipes your idea? Protecting your creative content, from your Insta-Stories to your blog posts takes consideration. I know exactly how it feels when someone posts your content as their own and it’s not great.
Today’s episode shares 3 options to consider when deciding HOW to share your content without feeling like you got ripped off.

Also, a few updates on a Sparklers meet-up in Seattle, our upcoming Art workshop this summer and what I took from hearing Condoleezza Rice speak.


• How social media has changed the art industry and allows you to join tribes of like-minded people

• Why you should always been learning, growing and experimenting with different ways of teaching art

• When protecting your content, start with stating your intentions

• How to set up shop and charge for your content

• What I got out of sharing freely for years




Teachers Pay Teachers

Olympic Sports Icon Project

The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram




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  • Cheryl Trowbridge

    Great podcast, Patty! I love how positive and encouraging you always are. It’s hard to believe anyone would criticize what you’re doing, with all you’ve given away for free! But I guess the haters will always be out there, so just focus on the ones who appreciate you! Your new house sounds lovely…. congrats!!

    • Patty

      Cheryl!!! Thank you so much. Oh, I know…the complainers can get to you but I try to see the positive in everything. Hope you’re doing well.

  • muath

    thaks for hleping me thak you

  • Venece Peddicord

    I have a subscription to Deep Space Sparkle but have not been able to access it. Help. When is my subscription up. Do I have it for a year?

    • Patty

      Hi Venece,
      Oh my…we’ll get that fixed! First thing to do is contact shannon@deepspacesparkle.com. Shannon will access your account to see if there are any errors on our end and then she’ll walk you through how to access the private Sparklers website. There is loads of content waiting for you!
      You can always click the support tab in the bottom menu to get help as well.
      For a quick version: click “Enter the Sparklers Club” tab in the top menu on the home page of this website. It’ll ask you to sign in and then you can go from there. I do recommend you email shannon as she can walk you through. Enjoy!

  • Monica Prieto

    This was a nice podcast. Thank you! I read your page frequently.

    Last year I invited some of my neighbors and kids from my kids school, adapted the last floor in my house in Mexico City (I am Mexican) and started an after school art workshop. I wanted to share what I know as an artist (I am a painter and have some experience with textile design and graphic design.

    Your work has been very useful and encouraging and the workshop is taking shape every day. Reading your lesson plans had help me to understand how to structure a class for my students.
    I look forward to getting better as a teacher and share with others my own ideas end experiences. I have many but I feel I need to test them in class to see if how they work with kids.
    Best regards.

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