Team Sparkle and Patty share what they're most grateful for; practicing gratitude for Thanksgiving Holiday.

Practicing Gratitude | What Team DSS and I are Grateful for this Thanksgiving


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I am not ashamed to say that it’s because of the food. I love everything about these magical four days…shopping at the market, making the pastry, stocking the back fridge with wine, chicken stock and the stuff that won’t fit into my main fridge.

I didn’t always have a second fridge or enough money to buy a second bottle of wine. But even when I had less, I never felt less. I was grateful then as I am now.

I’m often surprised by how practicing daily gratitude has impacted my life. I know that when a day seems particularly stressful or I’m feeling anxious that my perspective needs an adjustment.

You might feel the same way. It’s hard to be thankful when you are making a difficult class or when a coworker yells at you.

But digging beneath the layers of who we are over what we have often exposes our own path to gratitude and gracious living.

When I practice gratitude, I think about the continual source of love from family and friends. I think about my health and the health of my family and I realize that it’s all fragile.

We don’t know what tomorrow holds but we do have absolute control over how we feel today.

I wish you much happiness wherever it can be found and that you eat well, love lots and enjoy life!

Team Sparkle and Patty share what they're most grateful for; practicing gratitude for Thanksgiving Holiday.

Practice your gratitude and comment down below what you’re most grateful for this Thanksgiving season!

I asked the team to share what they are grateful for and I just love how we are all doing the things that we love and are making us happy.

Alexis | Graphic Designer“I’m always grateful for softness wherever it can be found. I find mine when I’m with my family, when I laugh with my best friend, when I help someone, or when I’m able to be in nature. The world is hard, so any reminder to be soft is a good one!”

Amy | Lesson Development & Curriculum Planning“I am thankful for the people in my life who celebrate joys and walk through hard situations with me. I’m also grateful that it is finally soup season!”

Ashley | Publisher & Content Coordinator“I am grateful to live in my hometown with my entire family beside me; spending our weekends together with good wine, food and laughter.”

Avery | Customer Support“I’m grateful for my loved one. I feel very blessing by the people in my life. And I’m thankful to live in a place that I love where I can connect with nature and be near the ocean.”

Bethany | Account Manager “I’m most grateful for the health, happiness, and love of my family and friends. After moving to the beautiful Pacific Northwest a couple of years ago, I’m grateful that our large family has settled in and created a community that we are enjoying being a part of”

Elly | Publisher & Support Assistant“I am grateful for the coffee that wakes me up in the morning, the mountains I get to wake up to, the job I spend my days doing, my roommates who I spend my days with, and most of all my family who loves and supports me through every step of the way.”

Emma | Video Editor“I’m grateful for my mom and dad for always supporting me and never judging me for living my life in whatever ways makes me happy. They do whatever they can to help me succeed and feel safe and loved, including letting me move back in with them for almost 2 years when the pandemic hit. I am thankful for the rest of my family, including my amazing brother, for always making me feel loved, even when we go weeks or months at a time without seeing each other. I am grateful for my friends, both near and far, who have been with me through so much and helped me become the woman that I am today.”

Eva | Social Media“I am grateful for my health and my crazy family! This year has been about finding balance, taking care of one another, and saying yes to adventures – which we’ve done a great job at so far. Cheers to the new season!

Heather | Lesson Development & Teacher Trainings“I’m grateful for my wild and crazy bunch of boys, my husband included. They bring joy and laughter to all of my days, but have a special knack for adding levity on days when I need it the most. With them around, there is never a dull moment…ever. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Lisa | Operations Manager – “I’m grateful to have found communities that light me up! My days are filled with purpose, meaning and laughter thanks to my colleagues at Deep Space Sparkle and my Capoeira group. Even though my family is far away, we’ve found our rhythm or connecting and spending time together so we never feel the distance.”

Mabre | Lesson Creator & Education“I’m grateful for the simple things that bring me into the moment, like the minute a new idea comes to mind, a brisk morning, the sporadic dance moves and belly laughs of husband and children, a good conversation and even warm puppy snuggles at the end of a long day.

Melanie | Communications“I’m grateful for my family. My daughter is my greatest blessing and I’m so lucky to have a supportive and sweet husband.”

Neil | CTO & Mr. Sparkle!“I’m grateful that my family is healthy, happy and seemingly functional. I’m especially grateful my kids are coming home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

Rebecca | Graphic Design“I’m grateful for the cozy fall days that we’ve recently had in Ohio, my family, and getting to spend time with my sweet two year old niece.”

Comment down below what you’re most grateful for this Thanksgiving season!

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  • Marianne Daley

    I am grateful for all of you at Deep Space Sparkle. The confidence you’ve given this non-classically trained (I used to say “non-artist) has been life changing. I’ve been able to connect with not only the children I teach but also their families, and the teachers I employ. I love the enthusiasm from all of you, and the other Sparklers! The collaborative nature of everyone has truly given me so much confidence and joy! Thank you for all that you do! ❤

    • Patty

      Goodness. thank you Marianne! We are so honored to be able to help make teaching art a bit easier. I love how you took your passion and created a truly art-filled life.

  • Tangie Rumbold

    Thank you for wonderful lessons! I teach first through fifth grade gifted students art, geometry, science, problem solving and creative thinking skills. I’m busy with lesson planning and delivery. You have saved me so many times when I need a new idea for Art. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • Perla Hill

    Thank you so much for all the support, the sharing and the wonderful ideas. you have given me the confidence to be a teacher when i did not even knew i was!! It´s being a wonderful road to walk it with ypu guys and all the great ideas. Thanks for helping me foun myself and let me be ME! HAPPY THANHKSGIVING to all of you. XOXO

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