When Monet was young, he noticed that painters created dark and very serious art during this time. Subjects like history and religion bored him. He preferred bright colors that showed scenes from everyday life.
Monet started to paint pictures with loose and sketchy strokes. Many people thought that his work wasn’t complete, but Monet didn’t care. He continued to paint the way he saw the world.
Claude Monet was the first painter in the Impressionist movement. The word IMPRESSIONISM comes from one of Monet’s first paintings called Impression: Sunrise. Art critics labelled the painting, impressionism, in order to mock it but the term stuck. It now means painting with light.
Monet liked to paint series of the same images with the only difference being how the light fell on the subject during certain times of the day. He painted over 30 paintings of the haystacks near his home.
I love lessons that expose a pattern to an otherwise complicated painting. When you first look at Monet’s painting, The Isle Grande Jatte, 1878, it looks rather complicated and daunting to paint.
But when you layer the artwork and outline the simple lines of the background first, then add the foreground at the very end, it becomes manageable.
- 12″ x 18″ regular white drawing paper (I use Tru-Ray)
- Liquid tempera paints (white, green, yellow, blue, black)
- Colored oil pastels
- medium round brush
- Small pointed round brush and black tempera paint
- On a white sheet of paper, draw a simple HORIZON LINE. This operates the water from the sky.
- Then, draw a hill line over the horizon line.
- Add a few simple homes/barns and buildings with oil pastels.
- With a sky color paint (Monet often used yellow tones for the sky) paint a sky.
- Paint the hills with a muted green color.
- Paint the water, using white, blues and greens. Keep in mind that Monet painted choppy reflections in the water. have children copy the colors of the buildings and use paint to make dappled marks in the water.
- Use a small brush and the watered down black tempera paint to paint the trees.
- Watch the video to see how the trees and leaves are painted.
For more art lesson projects, check out the Deep Space Sparkle shop HERE.
I love it!!
I have just received an art teacher position and I am looking to raise the bar. As it’s really pathetic right now. I know there is talent in the 5th and 6th grades that I work with. I am looking to bring it too life and make it an enjoyable experience for all. As well as giving them the brain development that they all need. I would appreciate any ideas you have.
I would suggest joining The Members’ Club. Honestly. The art teachers in the group are amazing, there are hundreds of lesson plans and trainings. And it’s very affordable. Add your name to the wait list. We will be sending out an email soon.
Hi Patty,
I’m in the same boat as Elizabeth. Is it not possible to join the Members Club right now as it’s a long time until August.
We ask interested people to put their names on a waitlist so we can let you know when enrollment opens. We just had an enrollment period a few weeks ago because the waitlist was getting so big. Next public enrollment is August 2017. We’re working right now on all new content so I can’t wait to share it with you!
please keep me informed as to how to enroll. I am a middle school art teacher in a small private school and need so much help!
Hi Stephanie,
We will send out an email to all those who expressed interest in The Members Club via signing up for the waitlist. And if you are our newsletter email list, we will send out information there as well. Just watch your inbox!
Here’s a link to add your name to the notification list:
This is so helpful. Thank you!
I thought the video was great .I didn’t see how the first part of the drawing was composed.
This painting video is part of a video-series inside the Monet & The Impressionist Bundle in The Sparkler’ Club. The lesson details the drawing tutorial plus all the associated standards. I loved this lesson so much, I wanted to share this non-members, too!
To access the full lesson and many more, sign up for the membership waitlist. We’ll notify you as soon as enrollment is open.
Hi There! I tried to watch the video associated with the Paint Like Monet lesson and it continually buffered and I was not able to watch it. I was wondering if you could please help. Thanks.
Hi Rona,
This video is uploaded to an external system that supports fast load time. So, it’s a good link with the best possible formatting. Buffering usually occurs when your internet source is slow. Sorry!
its ok im into that. i love your hardworking!
I am interested in purchasing the art curriculum packs. Are they similar to this format? It seems doable for an art noob like me!
Hi Elaine,
The Art Bundles inside the Sparklers Club make teaching effortless! We only sell a few art bundles inside our DSS shop but yes, they are similar to this one. Art supply list, handouts, teaching videos, detailed instructions, etc. The other bundles are available to members inside our membership site: The Sparklers Club.
The Isle Grande Jatte, 1878, is a refreshing painting and soft and detailed look. It shows a warm and soft side to Monet. Light is what he is portraying, happiness and love of nature using the imagination of horizon. I really love it and I am very interested in creating a similar style with my own personality and characteristics to give it a feel of movement.
nice project…
I may already be on your list.
I love your site. I am an artist and a public school elementary art teacher K-5.
This looks like a fun lesson!
Is the video available to all or just members?
Nothing happens when I open it
This video is available to anyone who lands on this post. The full lesson and more videos are inside The Sparklers Club/ Monet bundle.
i like the art
My students will be busy!
Para educator at Yuba College in Marysville, California with the special education department and would love love love to do this with the kids during our art classes.
How do I get this lesson? I became a Sparkler today!
Congratulations and welcome to Sparkle Land! First of all, make sure you check your email for your login informations. If we have your wrong email (you didn’t get it!) contact
here is the link to the private website:
Just login and you’re ready to create!
As always, Deep Space Sparkle is my first go-to when I’m asked to bring an art lesson to classes where I substitute. I have many of DDS lessons I have purchase, but there is always something new to peak my interest and enthusiasm. Thank you.
HI, are you aware of any good Art lesson plan ideas for high school students from year 7-12?
I’m going to be teaching a group of 8-12 grade students this summer and I am thinking about using this lesson right here. The most come from disadvantaged situations and who have not had much or any art background. So, I think this might be a winner!
I think they’ll love it…lots of paint mixing and dabbing. A perfect combo!
Your projects are always some of my very favorite!!! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with all of us.
Kristi!! Thank you for your comment đź’– I’m so glad you are enjoying our DSS projects!
-Hannah (Team Sparkle)
I love this project! I am a Sparkler, but I can’t find the rest of the video tutorials for this lesson. Could you post a link?
Hey Sparkler! The rest of the Monet videos are located in the Impressionism Bundle inside The Sparklers Club.
You can login HERE:
Mrs. Troxel for the tree on the right i had t use grey because i ranout of black paint.
I think that Claude Monet is a really simple yet interesting painter and impressionist.
I’ve been a sparkler for a few years now and love it!! I have looked and looked for this complete lesson inside The Sparklers Club under Impressionists and using the search engine and I can’t find it anywhere! Can you help me? Thanks.
Hi Karen! It’s under RESOURCES inside The Impressionist Bundle 🙂
I am thinking of using this lesson for a 4th-6th grade class. The only problem is I only have 50 min. Is this too much to do for that timeframe? What if I used a smaller paper? I’d love to hear suggestions.
Great lesson plan
Please put this lesson on sale
Hi Angela! This lesson and hundreds more are available inside The Sparklers’ Club. The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay-as-you-go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-7. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club and our next enrollment click here:
We would love to welcome you into The Sparklers’ Club.
hey please help Im already a member and having trouble printing this lesson.
Make sure to login to your account via the Sparklers Club website. This lesson is located in our Impressionism Bundle that you can find inside the member’s portal.
“Mornings with Monet” by Barb Rosenstock is a great picture book to accompany this lesson.
What is the suggested age group for this project? It kindergarten they study trees in their core content, but I think this project may be a little over their heads.
I disagree with having students copy a painting exactly, as recommended. Just because he used certain colors, doesn’t mean the children should. It’s about the style, not copying.