Patty Palmer | The media equipment I use to create art videos

Media Equipment for Art Teachers


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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I’ve been creating videos for art teachers for over 12 years. You’d think that I would be a pro at it now, but sadly, not the case.

I’ve had the most janky set-ups–from duck-taping my iPhone to a hanging light fixture over my art table to rigging up a PVC pipe contraption that worked and long as the Kleenex didn’t fall out of the selfie stick attachment (true fact. Just look below)

How to create art videos for your art room: What I Use

The goal is always the same: how do you get a overview angle of an art project without a tripod in the way or a distorted angle?

The good news is that it’s becoming VERY easy for anyone to create videos for your classroom or home use. And just recently I found some amazing tech tools that can really help you up your video creation game.

How to create art videos for your art room: What I Use

Here’s a list of what I currently use to record my Facebook Lives that you see on my Deep Space Sparkle Facebook page and for this blog.

Scroll down to the very bottom to download a PDF checklist of everything I use plus links to Amazon where you can check out the prices. I include affiliate links in the PDF so if you buy anything, I get a small fee.

My Equipment:

Switcher Studio – This is the software I use for my Facebook Lives. It allows me to switch between two cameras, add the Deep Space Sparkle logo to the screen, share my screen with viewers, and record my live videos in HD for later use.

You can see it in action with this video.

Tablet Stand This simple tripod comes with mounts for smartphones, tablets, and small cameras. I use it to hold my iPad at eye level so that I can easily access Switcher and toggle back and forth between camera angles.

iPad – I use an iPad to control Switcher Studio, and where I can see what my viewers see on their screens.

iPhone X – Like my iPad, I use Switcher Studio on my iPhone, toggling between the camera in the tablet and the one in the phone. I also use my phone to take quick pictures of my artwork and record many of the instructional videos that I create.

Arkon Pro Phone Stand This is a phone stand with an adjustable arm that allows you to control the angle and position of your phone with ease. I use this to shoot overhead videos of art projects and to record the overhead portions of my Facebook Lives.

BOYA BY-M1 Lavalier Microphone – Using a lavalier microphone instead of relying on the internal microphones that my phone and iPad have vastly improved the quality of the audio in my videos.

I use a microphone with a cord because it doesn’t require it’s own batteries (imagine finishing an entire video only to discover that your microphone died halfway through) and because I don’t need to move around much during my videos.

Diva Ring Light Super Nova 18″ You may have heard of this ring light before, it’s a staple in many content creator’s kits.

This light is super easy to use and provides professional-quality lighting to my videos. According to their website This 5,400K fluorescent light eliminates skin imperfections, makes makeup colors pop, and makes the face have a fresh clean look.

A statement that I’d have to agree with especially since bad lighting is nobody’s friend.

And to make it SUPER EASY for you to find this gear, click the white box below to access the free handout on Media Equipment for Art Teachers…

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  • Carlyn Hagler

    Wow! Thank you! I currently use a similar PVC pipe-thingy and was researching an upgrade. You just saved me hours and hours of researching products and reviews! Thank you!

  • Yvette

    This was exactly what I needed!! Thank you Patty!!!

  • Pam

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    So helpful for the neophyte techi! (me….) 🙂
    I’ve been a sparkler since the beginning but I don’t do facebook so we don’t have much dialogue. However, know I really appreciate you!

    • Patty

      Awww Thank you Pam! And thanks for commenting…I love knowing who the Gold Star members are 🙂

  • Carla Lee

    Thanks so much Patty! You rock! :):):)

  • Bonnie Fitts

    Thank you! Just what I needed…a nice list! 😀

  • Janet Troxel

    Wow you and your team have been incredibly supportive. I am not tech savvy and have felt somewhat paralyzed these past few days. I’m going into work today. I will see what I can set up and how I can connect with the kids. I am fortunate to have a colleague who is going to help me out . I have been running two successful Art Clubs, and I think that is the group I’ll start with. I love home supply kit idea, so I will check in with parents to see where there might be a need. God Bless you all and I’ll send you some photos. Thank you again!!

  • Sharon Frances

    Hi, Can you send me a photo of your set up? I am doing arts workshops for wellness for school districts and families. Thank you! Sharon http://www.wellbeings.studio

  • Karina Dewey

    Great information ! Looking forward to learning more. I am already a sparkle club member . Thinking of starting my online or in person classes.

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