How to incorporate STEAM projects into your art program

Incorporating STEAM Projects into your Art Room: Art Made Easy 036


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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AME036-Ana-Dziengle Are you looking to incorporate a few STEAM art activities into your curriculum this year? Ana Dziengle from Babble, Dabble Do is this week’s guest on the podcast. If you haven’t met Ana before, I know you’ll love her. She’s the type of girl you want as a friend. And since she is originally from Santa Barbara, I’m claiming her as mine! Ana shares her favorite STEAM projects that engage kids and encourages them to think for themselves. And isn’t that what we all want? This episode is perfect for anyone wants to explore a few STEAM projects with their kids.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • How Ana visualized the lifestyle she wanted and was able to make the hard decision to get it
  • How Ana incorporates art and science together
  • The many different aspects of being creative
  • Why being artistic doesn’t mean it has to be through a traditional medium
  • How to entice children with a magical component of art
  • What STEAM projects are and why they should be incorporated in projects
  • Why it is important to choose projects based on the age group of your kids
  • How to step back and let the child’s project unfold without inserting what outcome you think the project could and should have
  • How to prepare your children to not negatively compare their work
  • Why doing projects alongside the children creates a great dynamic


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Thanks Ana for providing two AMAZING activities…these are super cool, folks. To get yours, just click on the yellow box, add your name and email and the zip file containing the two PDF’s will be emailed to you. If you use safari on a MAC, the zip file won’t open. Try CHROME instead.

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Ana’s book, Steam Kids

Dyed Snow Flake Project from Babble Dabble Do

20 Science projects for Kids from Babble Dabble Do

Don’t Move the Muffin Tins: A Hands-Off Guide to Art for the Young Child by Bev Bos


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  • Molly Herard

    Just a friendly edit: Check the grammar in the first bullet point after Thing you will learn in this episode. I am teaching a STEAM class to homeschoolers this semester, and these projects will be very helpful! Thank you!

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