Hundertwasser watercolor art

Hundertwasser Watercolor Art Project


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Here is an easy art project that takes minutes to complete. After studying Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and creating a colorful collage, some of my fifth grade students finished early.

Instead of doing random free-choice art, I handed them a small piece of watercolor paper (9″ x 12″), some colored waterproof markers and a pan of watercolor paints. If you don’t have watercolor paper, don’t worry. Use regular drawing paper.

Hundertwasser for kids

I didn’t offer a formal set of instruction since we just covered Hundertwasser the week prior. But I did suggest they draw what inspired them the most about Hundertwasser’s art. Students didn’t need any more than that to start their drawings. If you need a bit more inspiration, check out my Hundertwasser Art Project from last month.

I love these quick bursts of creative expression…

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  • Joanna

    it must be hundertwasser season! my kiddos are working on some hundertwassers themselves!

  • Amanda le Roux

    These are lovely pictures and it makes me so excited as I visited Vienna in 2010 and saw all those paintings at the Hundertwasser galery! Actually my Crafty kids painted the colourful cats I saw there! I wish I could ad a photo!

  • Ashley @ TheHillHangout

    Love this one, too! My chickadees will have a great time painting this.

  • Jane


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