Creating a cohesive, schematic curriculum full of lessons that will excite your students is the dream of art educators. But it can be a daunting task. Sourcing and gathering a lineup of the right lessons that are designed to help students make connections and deepen their learning, is challenging.
After all, most of us don’t want to spend our entire summer planning.
The good news is that you don’t have to.
When resources are designed to meet your exact specifications and are exactly aligned with grade level expectations and skills, it’s like pressing the easy button on program planning!
You might be wondering if devoting an entire year to teaching the elements of art and principles of design is worth it.
Truth is, there are many successful and valid subjects to build an art curriculum upon, but focusing on the elements of art and principles of design can help to build a well-rounded foundation for students that will not only help develop their art-making skills and decision-making, but also their ability to talk about and analyze art.
Here’s how it’s laid out inside our art teacher membership…
Take a look at our Creative Team explaining our new EPIC Curriculum:

If you are new to teaching art, you might not know what a Scope and Sequence is.
Simply put, it’s the arrangement of the lessons that build on skills of the child through the year and through the grade levels.
For example, our EPIC curriculum (Elements, Principles, Integration Curriculum) begins with LINE. It’s the perfect element to start the school year because line is the most basic art-making technique.
The LINE lessons in the curriculum feature simple lessons that use minimal materials. This gives you the wiggle room to nail down beginning of the year procedures and expectations for materials without sacrificing lessons that are engaging and rich.
As the year progresses, a strategic line-up of one element of art or principle of design scaffolds skills both horizontally through the year and vertically throughout each grade level.
From kindergarten through seventh grade, the students understand and can apply the element or principle through art making, but also gain experience in a wide variety of art media throughout the year.
And for you, the teacher, we’ve balanced the curriculum to include many low-prep lessons that are rich in learning, but can be prepared quickly when time is limited.
Join me for a free workshop to explore different preparation techniques so you can get to the level of calm and consistency you crave (while still leaving a bit of space for art room magic).
Interested in starting your year refreshed, prepared and ready to go?
Download our back to School Guide | Resources to help kickstart your art program
It’s a 3-part strategy on how to use the Elements of Arts when planning your art curriculum including ordering supplies, a grade level checklist for the scope and sequence of K-7 Elements of Art and What I’ll Learn in Art Class posters.

The project plan is the guidebook for the curriculum, outlining the learning objectives in each lesson, art techniques used and the time that each lesson will take to complete in one quick look.
Everything you need to plan an entire year of quality curriculum is put together into this one easy-to-use document.
Finding captivating lessons isn’t typically what takes the most time when planning. Rather it’s creating all of the additional resources necessary to support the lessons such as matching the standards to your school’s requirements or preparing a slideshow or video to introduce an art concept.
In the EPIC curriculum, we’ve done the legwork for you so you can focus on creating with your students, instead of planning on nights and weekends.
The resources are where this curriculum truly shines.
We’ve gathered together a comprehensive array of resources that will help to not only save time in planning, but also help deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of the elements and principles of art.
Here are a few of our favorite resources inside the curriculum:

Within each lesson, we’ve included a suggested list of opening activities, resources and early finisher activities that pair perfectly with each lesson. Whether you choose to use one or use them all, the best part is that they’re all included with the curriculum. There’s no need for you to search elsewhere for any content, just pick and choose what works for you and your students.

The printable sketchbook gives students both a place and opportunity to not only record their learning about each element and principle before beginning the lesson, but also a chance for reflection.
With a page of guided note-taking and prompts, plus an open-ended page for early finishers for each element and principle, this is the perfect bookend to a successful lesson.
We’ve also included a teacher’s manual for the sketchbook with additional activity ideas for the sketchbooks and helpful information for using them with students. Imagine flipping through an entire year of learning all within one beautiful sketchbook.

Gone are the days where you spend hours scouring YouTube or crafting slide decks to introduce a lesson for your students. We’ve created slide decks and teaching videos specifically for the curriculum that match perfectly with each lesson and concept and can serve as an introduction to the lesson in five minutes or less.
The teaching videos are designed to be a quick hook to introduce your students to the element or principle being taught. The slide decks are separated into sub-categories, based on the element or principle.
If you’d like to check out the EPIC curriculum for yourself, join the waitlist for the Sparklers’ Club HERE. Enrollment will be starting soon!
FREE LIVE ART TEACHER TRAINING – 3 Must Have Strategies for a Stress Free Art Program
Join me for a free workshop to explore different preparation techniques so you can get to the level of calm and consistency you crave (while still leaving a bit of space for art room magic).

Love it! The resources keep getting better and better!
Awesome and a life saver!
Thanks for the ideas.
As a year 2 Art Teacher, I can use all the help I can get!!!p
Can i have some samples of your pop art template because i need it for school.
Thank you for all your hard work and creativity!!!
Awesome! This looks like the solution I have been looking for my k-5 students.
FANTASTIC, THANK YOU. As a new teacher I really appreciate this mapped out and separated like this!
This looks fantastic but how much is an annual membership?
Hi Jody! This is Bethany from Team Sparkle. Our membership is closed right now but you can join the waitlist and we will update you on the membership pricing when enrollment reopens 🙂
We’d love to welcome you into the community!
super interested!
I am interested in the sparklers club. I’ve been looking for pricing but cannot find anything on the cost. Can I find out the monthly or yearly cost of joining the Sparklers club for this school year! Thank you!
Hi Monique! This is Bethany from Team Sparkle. Our membership is closed right now but you can join the waitlist and we will update you on the membership pricing when enrollment reopens 🙂
We’d love to welcome you into the community!
I love this, I will be teaching K- 8th grade art.
What is the cost for the new Epic Art curriculum ?
I an
very interested.
Hi Marcella! We are so happy you found us. Our membership is closed right now but you can join the waitlist and we will update you on the membership pricing when enrollment reopens 🙂
We’d love to welcome you into the community!
I like it. Inspiring.
I’d like to purchase
Hi Joyce! The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay as you go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-7. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club click here:
Very interesing.
Love the sketchbook!
Sounds awesome.
Can Australian join the club? I’m teaching
K-3 and thought I joined at the beginning of the year but I haven’t received anything so I may not have joined after all?
Hi Vinetta! We have members from all over the world. If you have any questions about a membership please reach out to
Sounds really challenging and interesting
Hi, i am an artist in watercolour painting and photography. I am also very hands on in all art &craft. My 9yrs old girl also have great art talent in painting. I would like to learn to teach art. I am based in NZ and work full time as business manager in corporate world. So if i cannot watch in live due to time zone difference. Can you send me a link for the recorded webinar so i can watch it later? Best regards,
Very helpful.
Thanks for this ! Helpful!
it sounds exciting and I like the new additions. I hope that you change the sketchbook each year because I think that the kids will make comments about “this is the same as last year”. You know what I mean. Especially as the kids get older, I find that I need something different for each grade. I also tried the kahoot as a guest. Apparently I don’t know where to click on the answer because I tried everywhere and couldn’t get it to accept an answer. I was disappointed that I got a zero, but still got on the top of the podium with confetti! Wow! I clearly need to learn more about kahoot. I truly appreciate all of the additions and look forward to using them this year!
Great ideas. Thank you. How do I download the guide?
Hi Bertica! If you go ahead and click on the “download” box, and add your email address when prompted we will send the lesson directly to your inbox. Be sure to check your Spam or Junk folders to make sure it didn’t end up there. Enjoy.
Love it.
I would love some of the free resources and curriculum planning !
Thank you so much for this. You all are always thinking of art teachers outside of the Sparklers club. Thank you thank you!
Where’s the curriculum?
Hi Christine! The curriculum is only available inside The Sparklers’ Club Membership. The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay as you go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-6. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club click here:
Love it, thank you so much for this approach. I’ve noticed in many groups that art isn’t being taught this way anymore.
Very useful. Thank you.
Very informative
A great way to jumpstart the school year
I absolutely love the way you have organized the curriculum. I have learned so much and love the different projects or lessons that I have seen. I loved your on line class last year and really benefitted a great deal!
Thank you Zahida. That’s is so lovely to hear.
Im so thankful with you!!
I think it is fabulous. Where do I find the project plan that is the guidebook? Is it something to print or a book to buy? Where is it either way?
Hi Ann! The Project Plan is available to Sparklers inside the Membership. If you are a member you will need to log in and click on Curriculum on the dashboard. Next click on EPIC 2.0 and you will find it there. If you aren’t a member you’re in luck… Enrollment is happening now from August 7-14th. You can join here:
I am SO very thankful to have come across this! Bless you all for helping art teachers achieve success in the classroom!!
Love to see the back to school guide
Love it
How do I access the project plan book?
The project plan book is only available inside The Sparklers’ Club Membership. The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay as you go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-6. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club click here:
Love all the Deep space sparkle resources and projects
This is great! How do I download the material?
I love the ideas in the that you present in every element
This looks like the perfect place to start with art lessons this school year.
I love Deep Space Sparkle! It is saving my sanity this year! Thanks~
Hi there. You are brilliant and your resources are awesome. Where can I download the “How to teach art using the elements and principles of design”?
Hi Corine! We are so happy that you found us. If you scroll down, you will want to click to Download the Back to School Guide. That will include the information you are looking for. Enjoy
Love it! The resources keep getting better and better!
I was assigned a STEM class for 5th grade this year. I am trying to find topics that will interest my students. They seem very interested in art, however, I have no experience with art. I am hoping to find something to help me learn about art while teaching basic concepts to 5th grade at the same time. I am so excited to have found your site. Thank you for your help.
Sounds Amazing!!
The materials and suggestions look like a great way to organize and prepare before school starts in the fall.
Thank you
My school is purchasing Deep Space Sparkle curriculum for me, but do I choose one specific curriculum? The more I research it looks like I need to choose one. Or do they all come with the membership? I was looking up elements of art posters when I saw EPIC. Not sure if I gave enough on my purchase order for my school to order. I would appreciate more information. Thanks so much.
Hi Amy! Great question. This year when someone joins The Sparklers’ Club with a yearly subscription they receive access to the brand new EASE Curriculum completely unlocked for them as a bonus. If you wanted to access any other Curriculum you have immediate access to all the planning documents and you can use your bundle credits to unlock the bundles in the Curriculum each month. If you have any other questions please reach out to us at
I was in the curriculum webinar today, but did not know how to reflect that when I paid.
Hi Laura! Thanks so much for joining us and Welcome to The Sparklers’ Club. There is no discount when joining The Sparklers’ Club for joining the webinar. If you have any questions about your new membership or The Sparkers’ Club please email us directly at!
Hello! I would love to take a look through the free guide but I can’t find a clickable download button. Could it please be emailed to me at Thank you!
Thank you!
amazing and very helpful. Thanks.
love the helpful resources.
This looks really cool! How do I get access/membership?
Hi Liz. The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay as you go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-7. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club click here:
Hi I need membership , How it works please let me know
Hi there! Enrollment is opening in January so I’m thrilled you found us now. The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay as you go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-7. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club click here:
This is just what I need
thank you for help.
I really wish you offered this kind of planning for instructors of teens. Then I would be all in.
Thank you so much for the help.
I look forward to using this resource!
Excited about this curriculum
Is it possible to get/purchase the EPIC curriculum without becoming a member?
Hi Amanda! Our curriculums are only available inside The Sparklers’ Club Membership. The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay as you go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-7. In fact, becoming a member and accessing the EPIC Curriculum through our membership would be more affordable than purchasing it individually. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club click here:
Love all of it!! Helps me create a lot more with my children!!