There’s nothing cozier than a cuddly cat and a warm scarf and nothing cuter than these colorful cozy fall cats.
Your cat could hold a pumpkin or even a cup of cocoa or a heart. Depending on the time of year, you can adjust the seasonal object to make this art project perfect year round.
Watch the video below to see how to make the Cozy Cat:
This project is inspired by artist, Ryan Conners. Here’s a link to Ryan’s website where you’ll find her original works of art. The project has many opportunities for children to create their own unique cat, either by changing that cat’s paper color or deciding what type of object the cat will hold. Ryan’s artwork features many latte’s but perhaps a steaming cup of hot cocoa would be a better option for kids.
To get started, it helps to have the procedure guide that outlines how to cut the cat’s paw’s so that he’s holding the pumpkin.
The October Project Guide is chock full of Fall themed lessons, drawing guides, technique tips and video tutorials. Download this handy drawing guide before you get started:
– 12″ x 18″ black paper
– White oil pastel or crayon
– Scrap piece of white paper (for eyes)
– 12″ x 9″ painted paper or colors paper for scarf
– 6″ x 6″ scrap paper for object (orange paper for pumpkin)
– Oil pastels for detail work
– Pink chalk pastel
– *optional Rick-Rack and Pom-Poms
– Scissors
– Tape
– Glue Stick

Fold the black paper in half lengthwise. With the fold facing the center, draw a curved line for the top of the cat’s head. Add an ear and cheeks. Children can stop short or draw all the way to the folded line.

Draw the cats body by starting at the cheeks, drawing a curved line towards the edge (how far determines how thick the cat will be) and then down off the bottom edge of the paper.

Cut out shapes with scissors.
Open up the flatten out.

On the 6″ x 6″ orange paper, draw a pumpkin. Make sure the pumpkin fits inside the cats body. It shouldn’t be too big or else the paws won’t be able to hold on.
Cut out the pumpkin and set aside for now.

Place pumpkin over body. With a white pastel, make a small mark next to the thickest part of the pumpkin.
Remove pumpkin. Fold cat in half and notice where the pumpkin mark is. Draw a curved line to mimic a cat’s paw (letter C). The round part of the “C” should face the folded part of the paper.
Draw a line down to the bottom of the cat (refer to handout)
Cut along white line.
Open up cat and insert the pumpkin between the cat’s paws. It may take some wiggling to get it right. Turn over the cat carefully and tape pumpkin in place.
Now’s a good time to tape the cat together below the paws. Do this on the BACK of the cat’s body.
Cut out two eyes from the white paper and draw and color the pupils. Add a nose and mouth with the white oil pastel. Use the pastel to add whiskers and eye lashes.
Use chalk pastel to add color inside the ears and add color to the cheeks.

Place the large sheet of painted paper over the cat’s body just below the chin. Make a mark where the cat’s body ends. This is how wide to draw the scarf.
The scarf is in two sections: the wrap and the tail. The wrap can have rounded corners and the tail can be curved to show movement. Glue the tail first then the wrap.
Decorate with pom-poms and oil pastel.
Use rick-rack, painted paper strips or anything you might have on hand to decorate the cat’s body.
Click the yellow button below to DOWNLOAD the free guide. Add your name and email and we’ll send it to you!

I love this so much!! I think I’m going to replace the pumpkin with hot cocoa and we’ll make them in December for our winter art display.
Great idea! I’ve seen a few coffee toting kitties out there!
Where did you get the rick rack? I didn’t see a link!
You’re right…no line for the rick rack (I think I have a post coming out in a couple of days with the links) BUT, I got them off Amazon. Search felt rick rack.
Love this! Cannot wait to do this with my class.
We already made little Zen Tangle Pumpkins, so we will use those, and the prepainted paper we did on the first day of class to make the scarves! This is going to be so much fun!
Great winter craft for younger students thank you
These are so cute! Please send me the October Freebie Pack.
No Problem! Just click the yellow button above that says, Click too Download. We’ll email you the PDF 🙂
I love the October Freebie pack, especially the cat craft. It’s easily adaptable for use with kids of all ages and skill levels. Thanks!
You’re so welcome Daria!
Love all the lessons! My pre-k’s really like it….I love it! Thans for making me into an art teacher!
you’ve got a great blog here! would you prefer to make some invite posts on my blog?
love this
so cute & simple~these will be fun projects to do with my granddaughter this weekend! Thanks!
Its so cool and it is the best
Love it..
Our school mascot is the panthers, so I am going to have each student create a fall panther for our homecoming display!
Love this project!
I am having a hard time understanding how the paws are holding the pumpkin and what I am taping together….
I am too. I’m deciding to use left over painted paper to create mittens that match the scarf and glue them like they are holding the pumpkin. Then it looks more winter VS. Fall themed and I may keep this for winter and do a snowflake or snowball instead of a pumpkin..oh ideas…lol
Love it!!! I teach pre k – 4th all in the same class, this will be a winner!
You are soooo creative. thanks
I used to be able to download all of your materials with the download button, but the past 2 years, they have not been able to do so? I have seen in other comments other users having the same issue. Will this be resolved? I love your resources for my adaptive art class but am bummed I can’t access them.
Hi Stephanie! Thanks so much for your interest in our free downloads. I just tested the link and had no issues. Everything seems to be working on our end. I’m not sure what browser you’re using but Chrome and Safari work best for me. Be sure to check your spam folder to make sure they aren’t ending up there. This lesson was emailed to my inbox in less than a minute. Enjoy.
This is so neat! Love it!
Looks like fun!
I’ve fallen in love with the cozy cats immediately. Thank you so much! Awesome.
My 6th graders love this project so much. Thank you for the great lesson.
My 6th graders love this project so much. Thank you for the great lesson.
Thank you for your lovely and helpful ideas! The student teacher showed me some of the class art work that followed your suggestions! Wow
Love it!