Painted Paper Hearts

Painted Paper Hearts Art Project


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

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Painted Paper Hearts: quick and easy craft project for Valentine’s Day or anytime

Laura at Painted Paper is my go-to source for inspiration. No one can teach color theory like she can! So when I saw her Picasso-Inspired Hearts, I knew I had to give these a try.

I had one more Kinder class left in my rotation, so a one-session project was required. To aid in the expediency of the project, I pre-cut large hearts from 18″ x 24″ paper before the kids came to class. Of course, it would be an easy lesson to show the kids how to fold the paper and have them draw and cut their own hearts, but time was not on my side.

Painted Paper Hearts: quick and easy craft project for Valentine’s Day or anytime

I placed various colors of tempera paint on the tables, plus white. My goal was to have the children think about colors and how adding white affects them. These are Kinders mind you, and sometimes the mixing got a bit out of hand. That’s okay. It was really a fun process for them. I also encouraged them to paint whatever designs they wished. I anticipated an explosion of color but strangely enough, many kids were very, very careful with their paints. Some kids attempted to outline their designs with black paint, while others balked. Either way was fine by me.

This was a fun project and super easy. Thanks, Laura!

Kinder hearts…

Painted Paper Hearts: quick and easy craft project for Valentine’s Day or anytime

Want more Valentine’s Day art inspiration? Download our free drawing guide that includes a tints color wheel, heart template and shade worksheet!

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  • Phyl

    WOW those are KINDERGARTEN paintings? Gorgeous! Funny thing, I’m doing something similar with my K’s on Wednesday! Did you wait and put out the black last?

    • Patty

      Yes, didn’t they do great? But like I said in the post, many of the kinders were quite cautious with their paintings; adding little flowers, tiny hearts, etc. Not all were as vibrant and colorful. The black paint is added at the end, otherwise, it’ll create lots of grey.

  • Laura

    WOW, Patty those are beautiful! Thanks for such kind words, just love that we can share all these fun projects! 🙂

  • artprojectgirl

    Laura is my inspiration too. I think she has opened our classroom up to tempera paint again. For a year there I was not interested in pouring tempera more than once a month. Her colors are such an inspiration and can only come from working with real paint (not cakes)! I love your hearts by the way. Your kids are so advanced compared with what I see. It is so evident that they have parent involvement. I am also looking forward to your end of the year art show!!!

    • Patty

      I know what you mean about children with involved parents. My school is a real mix. We have many disadvantage students and many of our dear Kinders are considered “low”. But thanks to our amazing K teachers, they have come a LONG way. I think they sit and listen better than my sixth graders!

  • Pam Speaker

    These are great! I am trying something similar to this with my Life Skills group tomorrow. I love the designs your kinders used. Thanks for sharing!

  • artprojectgirl

    Props to your Kindergarten teachers and YOU! These are gorgeous. I am so surprised to hear that they are considered “low” and don’t always have the involvement. You and your colleagues are doing something right.

    I am thinking about the art show still. . .I hope to hear about the process of when you start getting work ready and how you solicit parents. I think that would be interesting because it is always the elephant of the end of year and yours always looks so organized.

  • Hallie

    I love love love these!!! I tried a version of these as well inspired by Painted Paper!! Amazing and each heart is so unique!!

  • Jamie @ hands on : as we grow

    These hearts are beautiful! I wish Henry was just a little bit older to make a creation like this. (Another year maybe).

    I’m featuring this on my weekly High Five! features this week.

    Check it out at:

    Thanks for the great idea!
    Jamie @ hands on : as we grow

  • Beth

    Curious about the paper weight and brand. My biggest concern! To much recycled types out there.

    • Patty

      Hi Beth,
      I use regular white sulphite/construction/drawing paper. You can find links to my sources/brands in the art supply link in the side bar. I’m not sure the weight. Never looked! Hope this helps.

  • Havlu Dantel Modelleri

    Kindergarten wonderful pictures. I have a six-year-old daughter.

  • MissFanny

    I showed my kinders a power point presentation on Picasso I’d made for the bigger kids. We talked about the differences between his “blue period” and his “rose period” (their poignant comments never cease to amaze me!). I told them we would be making Picasso rose period hearts for Valentine’s Day. I filled empty egg cartons with red, magenta, yellow and white paint and let them mix away (since none of the colors were complimentary, nothing turned gray or muddy, all the colors were beautiful) . There was a lot of excitement about the various colors made even with the limited palette. Some of the kids painted Picasso-inspired shapes such as diamonds and flowers and some were solid with very painterly strokes. They were ALL gorgeous. Thanks for the lesson!

    • Mandy falgout

      MissFanny — would you share your ideas for the Picasso presentation? I have been talking all about color and how artists use it. I’d love to use this idea with the hearts above. Thanks, mandy

  • Amy

    I love this idea for Valentines day. I needed more for my kiddos than just cutting hearts and covering them with glitter. This is a great lesson plan that integrates careful planning for the students, and art history. Thank you!

    • Patty

      Enjoy the project! I believe art can be both beautiful and rich with standards. That’s what we aim to do with every lesson 🙂

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