
Head, Heart & Hand: The Waldorf Approach to Managing Young Artists: AME 090


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Sally Haughey Fowler brings absolute wonder to her students through the Waldorf environment. She walks into an art room with intention, passion and enough drama to rival a Disney production. In this episode, Sally discusses her 10 tips for teaching art to kids with emphasis on the Waldorf approach to art. She shares her three art teacher superpowers that reveal exactly how children think.

Sally was a featured presenter at the Deep Space Sparkle 2017 Art Workshop in Santa Barbara. I loved her workshop presentation so much that I wanted to share it with you and the Art Made Easy audience. Click down below to download Sally’s information packed slide deck so that you can waltz into your art room and share your superpowers with your kids.


– Sally’s top 10 tips for successful classroom management

– How Sally came to realize the ways to speak to young children most effectively

– Sally’s key “superpowers” for managing young artists in the classroom

– Benefits of storytelling in your classroom and ways to bring life to art materials

– The power of the “Rule of 3” for successful learning retention in young children


To get Sally’s presentation slide deck, click on the yellow button below. Add your name and email and we’ll email it to you.

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You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram




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  • littlerosearts

    This was so amazing! Enlightening! I am going to my Kindergarten class tomorrow with a whole new approach!!!

  • June

    I have learned so much about class room supplies, presentation and preparation I am teaching seniors and had my first class yesterday I was very nervous as I have not taught for 10 years, nor had I painted much. But I found myself more confident . My students went home excited to return to next weeks class .
    Thank you for allowing me to listen in . I hope I can continue to listen to art made easy . Thanks.

  • Karen

    After teaching as a librarian/media specialist for 20+ years, I’m in my second year of teaching art. I have listened to this presentation three times and every time, I get more inspired with ways to make my art room a magical place for my youngest students. Thanks so much for sharing this joyous presentation!

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