happy sun art from home draw along with patty for all ages

Happy Sun | Draw & Paint Along with Patty


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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This art project is part of the Art at Home series of Facebook Live video replays.

This art project is based upon the Sun, the closest star to planet Earth and the center of our solar system.

Perfect for any age child, children will focus on shape as they cut out the circle sun and triangles, then add decorative lines and patterns using oil pastels. To finish off, kids can give their patterned Sun some personality by adding on a happy face!


– Colored paper for the background

– Colored paper for the sun (craft paper, construction paper, etc.)

– Crayons

– Scissors

– Glue

– Round templates like a glass jar, food container

Click the yellow button to DOWNLOAD the Happy Sun drawing guide resource:

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I created a detailed instructional video within the Sparklers Membership Club where you can also get more detailed lesson plans including National Core Art Standards, Assessment Checklists, full length instruction videos and plenty other art lessons plans to choose from.

For more information on joining, sign up to our waitlist HERE.

  • lindsey

    fun and easy

  • jacob.jeena83421

    This is awesome!

  • Jessica

    I think your resources are wonderful Patty. Thank you for supporting us during this difficult transition to online learning.

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