The Magical Tree Art Books for Kids

Gustav Klimt: Master of Metallics


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Introducing Gustav Klimt to your students is really like opening up a pot of gold. There are so many interesting facets to his art and his life. One of the most impactful pieces to his story is how many of his works were destroyed by the Germans during WWII.

Medicine, painted in 1900-1907 was destroyed along with a few others.

I recently picked up a book that features beautiful Klimt-inspired illustrations. If you are doing a lesson on Klimt and in particular, his Tree of Life, I encourage you to find a copy of this book. Perfect for grade 3 and up.

What do you think?

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  • beth.fuhrman.bf@gmail.com

    Oh my goodness I cannot WAIT to become a member!!!! I just started my own business teaching after school art to kids out of my home–and I have you to thank so much for the inspiration to be brave and go for it! I’m “Pike Road Art & Soul” (don’t even have a website yet-oh goodness!) but I am enjoying terrific success as I slowly build my clientele through our local school where my kids attend. It has been amazing and I’m so grateful I get to actually LIVE my passion for art and teaching! I cannot wait to be able to get to know you even more through your club. I’ve been following you faithfully since I found you 6 months ago. I have really enjoyed your 101 class, have listened to almost every single podcast and have loved everything I’ve bought and downloaded. You are an incredible blessing!!!!!

    • patty.palmer@deepspacesparkle.com

      Oh my goodness…thank you!!!! It sounds as though you are living the life you are meant to live. You’ll love The Members’ Club…so many great creative people, teachers and business owners just like you! Enrollment will start January 5th so watch for my email. 🙂

  • Diana Scandridge

    I have been exploring your site and cannot find how to become a member? I would love to get the Klimt lesson and some others.

  • Ronda Bouyea

    Great ideas! This is timely since there will soon be a
    Klimt Exhibition coming to the S.F. Bay Area this month……..thank you!
    Wish list: more bundles related to travelling exhibits to major California museums.

    • Patty

      Great idea…do you have a list? Glad you’re a Sparkler! Rousseau Bundle is loaded on Monday!

  • Susan Piro

    I am not sure if I am still a. Member? I signed up last year but I keep getting emails inviting me to join sparklers. Thought I already did?

    • Patty

      If you can access the Sparklers Club website, are receiving our weekly Sparkler Monday newsletter, then you are a member. Are your payments going through? You should direct questions to support@deepspacesparkle.com.

  • Christi C Gates

    Love the activities

  • marci.mayzes

    Oh so inspiring and achievable! Thank you!

  • Neomi Goldbaum

    i’d love to join the ciub-how long do I have to wait in line? I love the Klimt bundle! Even the overview gives a lote of ideas!

  • vickie stokes

    i really want to be a member…how do I do that?

    vickie stokes

  • Sandra McNeven

    Wonderful lesson.

  • Ivana

    So inspiring !!!

  • Andi

    This is great. How many 50 minute class periods would it take? Thanks

  • Christina Jünger

    Super Seite!

  • Casper De La Torre


    I don’t see this lesson: “Gustav Klimt: Master of Metallics” available to view. Can you please help me find it?

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