Art Books for the Art Room: A Deep Space Sparkle Picture Book Selection

Great Art Picture Books for the Art Room


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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It takes a certain combination of illustrations and story to create a book that’s perfect for the art room. Art teachers have little time to spend on a lengthy picture book or artist biography.

Instead, we want to captivate, inspire and share knowledge of art to our students with a quick, yet enriching read.

You are no doubt familiar with Peter Reynold’s Dot Day picture book that has inspired the Dot Day Art Movement, but here are a couple of other titles that you can add to your Dot Day repertoire.

Picture books for the Art Room for Dot Day Celebrations

Sonia Delaunay: A Life of Color by Cara Manes is a beautiful exploration of the artist, who with her husband, created the Orphism Art Movement. And there are plenty of dots in this book that take the shape of concentric and radial circles.

If you love paper cutting and bold, bright colors, Sonia Delaunay is a great artist to introduce to students. And this book does the job brilliantly leaving just the art-making up to you!

For a few more book suggestions, I create a My Favorite Art Books video walking you through my favorite new art book finds this year.

Here is the list of these exquisite books I referenced in the video. Any one of these books can be transformed into an art lesson with just a few basic art supplies.

And I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to dive in and create a few!

art books for the art room

Great Art Picture Books for the Art Room

Looking for more art book suggestions? Take a look at this Deep Space Sparkle picture book reviews HERE.

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  • Anita Aristodemou

    Lovely! Thank for sharing your work and knowledge. Please allow me to express my deepest gratitude!

    • Carol

      Thank you for sharing these lovely books, I can’t wait to use them in my lessons. Have you discovered the children’s books by Australian artist Kim Michelle Toft, they would be an asset to your list! ✌💛

  • Shari Fiedler

    I love this! I love when there are books to pair with art lessons. These all look so wonderful! Thank you!

  • Linda Belz

    Love all the recommendations – just what I wanted to have! Thanks for focusing on the importance of incorporating literature in our art lessons!

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