
How to Get What You Really Want This School Year: AME 103


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

Our Favorite Resources:

For Art Teachers:

For Business Owners:

How to Teach Art:

Kids Video Art Lessons:

What is the ONE thing you want most this school year?

A healthier lifestyle? More money? A more organized classroom? While I can’t claim to hold the secret to achieving these things, I can share the one secret that I know will transform your school year…if only you stay open to it.

The biggest impact for me, in both my personal and business life, has been asking for help. Knowing when my desires were too big to do alone or that my obsession with doing it all wasn’t working anymore, wasn’t all that easy to figure out.

Asking and accepting help runs deep. I see the resistance everywhere: in my family, friends, business friends and especially art teachers. We think we are meant to do it all.

But I think there is a better way and in this episode, I share my journey of when I started saying yes to getting help and the impact it has had.


– The one thing that holds many people back

– How to get clear about what you’re saying ‘no’ to

– Why getting help early on was so critical for me in my own journey as an entrepreneur

– What happens when you give yourself permission to not always be good at everything




Pre-Order Patty’s new book Draw, Paint, Sparkle Publication Date August 21

The Sparkler’s Club Waitlist

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram




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  • Kathleen Sternbach

    Hi Patty~
    I just listened to your pod cast for the first time. I found Sparkle on line while I was searching for a K-5 art program, aligned to the standards that our whole staff could use. Unfortunately, gone are the days of districts providing art teachers. I teach in Las Virgenes Unified School district, an affluent area, yet it is the parents who are providing the funds for us to get art going in our school (Bay Laurel, in Calabasas, CA).
    So I signed up for the wait list and can’t wait to see it all. My question is: Can our whole school (K-5 teachers) sign up and how does that work? Is it different than each teacher signing up individually? I am working with another teacher and a group of parents to bring ART to the school and like you said we do not want to reinvent the wheel. From what I’ve seen, this program looks beyond amazing!!!
    Such a pleasure to listen to your voice. I loved your stories and so I guess I am taking your advice and asking for help! I love teaching art, but I am not an expert. Do you have studio hours for visitors?
    I know how important Art curriculum is for all students. In fact my daughter is working on her PhD in Art History at Temple University. With your help I am hoping we can bring a quality art program to our school 🙂 Thank you

    • Patty

      So nice to meet you Kathleen! So glad you found your way to my podcast and to DSS! I love what you are doing for your school. Yes. We have staff passes for schools. You can contact support@deepspacesparkle.com for Staff pass details.

  • Karen

    Patty, I signed up for your live July workshop, and tried to access it later to do it afterward, and have been unable to get it to accept my password. I’d really like to take advantage of the ridiculous rainy days we’ve had where I live to get on there and prepare for my classes this year. 🙂 Can you please help me?

    • Patty

      No problem, Karen. Just contact support@deepspacesparkle.com and we’ll help you get started.

  • Rebecca

    I’m on week two of school..all I have the energy to do tonight is listen to this:) thanks!

  • Paula

    You get how difficult it can be to ask for help- thanks for this Patty- made my day!

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