
Geometric Hearts | Valentine’s Day Project


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Learning how to connect the dots to form lines looks easier than it really is. That is not to say that this project is difficult, but it is best for upper elementary students.

I highly encourage you to experiment with the process you find most appropriate for your students. Not only is it quite relaxing but you’ll pick up on the potential sticky areas that the students may encounter.

The idea is to create polygon shapes inside the heart. There are a couple of ways to go about this: free form and by using a set of lines or even a template to start.

Watch the video tutorial here…

Click the yellow button below to DOWNLOAD the drawing handout for the Geometric Hearts template as well as this months February Project Guide. Add your name and email and we’ll send it straight to you!

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– 12″ x 9″ white watercolor paper

– Pencil

– Watercolor paints

– Water & small round tip brush


Geometric Hearts watercolor art lesson for kids including video how-to tutorial

On 12″ x 9″ white 90 lb watercolor paper, draw or trace a heart using a pencil. I’m using a black marker ONLY because pencil’s don’t show up well in videos. But I recommend a pencil so children can erase any unwanted lines.

Teacher Prep Tip: If you are photocopying the heart template, you may want to enlarge it on your copier and photocopy onto cardstock. It’s easier to trace this way.

Geometric Hearts watercolor art lesson for kids including video how-to tutorial

Using a straight edge (I’m using a piece of tagboard), draw dots around the edges of the heart about 2″ apart and two or three on the inside of the heart.

Geometric Hearts watercolor art lesson for kids including video how-to tutorial

To make polygons, draw a rhombus shape first just below the midline of the heart, then place a dot near one of the sides.

Continue to connect the dots with one of the end points of the rhombus to create a straight lines.

Geometric Hearts watercolor art lesson for kids including video how-to tutorial

Using a limited palette of watercolors (3-4 Analogous colors), begin painting each individual polygon a separate color. I find it very helpful to use a small brush then outline each polygon then fill in with color.

To make a color lighter, add more water. The final project looks best when there are light and dark colors to create contrast.

Geometric Hearts watercolor art lesson for kids including video how-to tutorial

*Optional: Once the watercolor paint dries, use a metallic marker to go over all of the pencil lines. Outlining with a Sharpie is also a great way to add the final flourish.

Have you done this lesson? I’d love to hear how the instructions worked for you or if you tried a new technique.

I created a detailed lesson plan within the Sparklers Membership Club where you can get a more detailed lesson plan including National Core Art Standards for 5th & 6th grade, an Assessment Checklist, full length instruction video and plenty more Valentine’s day art lessons to choose from.

For more information on joining, sign up to our waitlist HERE.

Click the button below to DOWNLOAD the February Project Guide for more fun art lesson you can use this month!

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Geometric Hearts- Free projects, teaching tips and handouts

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  • Domingo Perezcajina

    It’s beautiful I want to create many hearts

    • Valentina


  • Maria

    Looks easy, will try it today

    • Simoni Leal

      My daughter will love this, definitely doing it with her

  • Heather Brady

    try watercolor pencils for shading edges within each shape and adding more texture!

  • Lois VanDusseldorp

    love the hearts!

  • Kristina

    I’m a class mom to first graders and originally I signed up for you emails for them but I think I’m staying for me!! Lol your projects are crazy cute!

    • Patty

      Hah! I love it!

  • Lisa

    Where can I get the freebie??

    • Hannah

      Hi Lisa, there is a box near the top of the page that says “click to download”

      -Hannah (Team Sparkle)

  • lauralee

    Looks like a lesson I did with colored pencils and made them into pillows

  • Hege Bygmester

    I work in Norway in 5 th grade. I am looking forward to try this in my class.🤗

  • Ajith

    This is really good

  • Ajith

    The heart was very colourful
    And very nice

  • Heidi Kovie

    I am using this with my Secondary Special Ed kids during the pandemic 🙂

    • Vivienne Solt

      That’s nice

  • Amanda Cubelo

    I think it was fun, but she was going a little too fast for me. I enjoyed and it was a very neat project to do and it was a very interesting and out of the box.

  • sarah nagy

    it is so cool it is good

  • Chelsea

    I love geometric hearts

  • jack


  • Valentina

    this was helpful

  • Hazel Munoz

    Excellent art lesson.

  • Umaiya Sultana

    Looks AMAZING

  • Donna Vincent

    Love the geometric hearts.

  • Jacel

    This project a hit with my ESE 2nd -5th Grade students. Accommodation for the various age ground I had the student cut fold paper in half, draw a half a heart then cut it out the heart for symmetry lesson. They thought it was magic.
    Thank you for sharing this project.

  • Patti Wright

    This looks like a fun project!
    Thank you!!

  • Nadia

    I really enjoyed painting these hearts!

  • Casey

    That is awesome.

  • Heather

    This looks great and very creative! I will make many of these for Valentines day! 💟

  • Cyrilly Bakewell

    Thank you for all of the wonderful art lesson ideas!

  • Melissa

    My free download for this unit- geometric heart is not coming into my email; not my spam either. Can you please send me a copy?

    • Bethany

      Hi Melissa!
      Did you scroll down to the banner and click ACCESS PDF. Just add your email and we’ll email you the freebie! The links are working and you should see it in your inbox after that! Enjoy!

  • ehuff

    Hi amazing Deep Space Sparkle. Thank you so much for all you do. Just a quick suggestion from one of your members. It would be awesome if Sparkler members were able to just pull these up.

    • Bethany

      Hi! Thanks so much for the suggestion, I’ll pass it on!

  • Juanita

    I love this art!

  • brianna

    i like the way you did the heart!!!!!!

  • Lizzie Dong

    It’s AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

  • Marty Doring

    I changed your project for the season: St Patrick’s Day. I also did a wax resist technique where the polygon lines were drawn in by crayon. Then, when the water-coloring was added, you could see the polygon lines.

  • Hina

    Absolutely amazing. So great full for such a lovely work.

  • Sheila

    Looks like a project my kids will love!

  • Gwyn Cramer

    Love this projects. Students are learning math and drawing.

  • Claudia Ortega

    Love this art piece

  • Harjit K. Dhanjal

    This looks like a good activity for grade 4s.

  • Marie Goulding


  • Jennifer Downs

    I love this!

  • Nancy Laporte

    Awesome! Can’t wait to try it!

  • Megan

    thinking of ideas for my fifth graders!

  • M Adriana

    Me parece increíble para el concepto punto y línea

  • Guadalupe

    Love this idea. My learners are making geometric animals and this can change it up for others.

  • Sinéad

    Could I please have template of this too, looks great

    • Bethany

      Hi! If you click the download button and add your email address we will send the lesson directly to your inbox. Be sure to check your Spam or Junk folders to make sure it didn’t end up there. Enjoy.

  • Anna

    How can I watch the video?

    • Bethany

      Hi Anna! This is such a great lesson. To watch the video just click to view it on our website. You can also watch it on YouTube. If you are having trouble watching it you might try switching browsers. We have found Firefox doesn’t work as well as Chrome and Safari. I hope that helps.

  • Anna

    Is there a printable version? When I print from this page it cuts the photos and steps onto multiple pages.

    • Bethany

      Hi Anna! This lesson pdf can be emailed directly to your inbox. Just click the download button and add your name and email address and we will send you a free pdf. Enjoy.

  • Elle Bogdan

    Hello! The yellow download now button isn’t working for me. I’ve tried on several browsers, but no download initiates when I click the button. Is there another way to get the link?

  • anita

    This is very beautiful. I would like my students to have this.

  • Allison

    Print out Please

    • Bethany

      Hi Allison! Everything is working on our end. If you click the download button and add your email address we will send the lesson directly to your inbox. If you don’t see the pop up box it might be because there’s a firewall up preventing you from seeing it. Be sure to check your Spam or Junk folders to make sure it didn’t end up there. We have found that the Firefox browser doesn’t work as well on our site but both Chrome & Safari browsers work so be sure to try using one of those. Enjoy.

  • Jennifer Hackenberg

    This is one of my go to lessons for Valentine’s Day. I usually do it with 3rd grade. I also have them segment the background as well. Then they choose either warm or cool for the heart and the other for the background so that their heart pops out. Showing them some of the artwork by Okuda San Miguel which they can see right near us in Boston is a great tie in too.

  • Dala Gober-Reeves

    Fun Project

  • Trisha Gates

    Would love this for my art class

  • Tracey Jones

    Love it!

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