First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways

First Grade Scarecrows | Two Ways


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Have you ever wanted to experiment with different supplies with the same project just to see what happens? Of course you have!

For a twist on my Watercolor Scarecrow Art Project, I switched out the watercolor background for liquid tempera paint. I knew from past experience that watercolor paper and liquid watercolor is the easier route, but I love how vibrant the farm looks with tempera paint as well.


What You’ll Need:

– 12″ x 18″ white sulphite paper

– Liquid tempera paints (blue, green, yellow, orange and black)

– Medium and small paintbrushes

– Black oil pastel for drawing

Before students came in, I mixed up a selection of bright tempera paints.

After looking at pictures of fields and farmlands, children drew lines that become the fields, clouds and sun with a black oil pastel. Nothing fancy, just a wavy horizon line or two across the page and some vertical lines for the fields is all that you need.

First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways with tempera paint

Then students painted the resulting shapes with tempera paint; yellow for the sun, browns, oranges and greens for the field and blue for the sky.

It’s not necessary to paint the clouds. Let the white of the paper shine through.

First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways with tempera paint

Now comes the hard part; outlining with a small brush in black paint.

This is not easy for little hands, so don’t expect perfection. In fact, I love the wonky lines that the children create much better than straights, perfect ones.

First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways with tempera paint

An alternate to the black paint is to use a thick, black oil pastel. This is less messy, but does require extra time for the paint to dry fully before outlining.


What You’ll Need: 

– Printed and cut templates on cardstock

– Scissors & glue

– Black permanent marker

– Popsicle stick & tape

– An assortment of paper; scrap, painted, scrapbook or a mixture of all three

– Raffia or yellow paper (optional)

Set aside the background and begin making the scarecrow. We’ve included templates that you can print on cardstock to make the process a bit simpler below.

Making a Scarecrow art project for first graders

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white line

You can also choose to have students free-draw the clothing on craft paper, but be prepared for tiny little shirts and pants from first graders. 

After the students cut out the head, pants and a shirt, they glued the pieces together.

Then they added patches, small buttons, raffia or yellow paper for straw to complete the scarecrow. 

Making a Scarecrow art project for first graders

To save a bit of time, tape the scarecrow to the Popsicle stick, then glue to the background paper.


What You’ll Need: 

– 12” x 18” watercolor paper

– Palettes of liquid watercolor

– Oil pastels

You can also complete a beautiful background using liquid watercolor paint, which I mentioned before being a bit less messy than liquid tempera. I prefer to use liquid watercolors, rather than pan watercolor because the colors turn out so bright and vibrant. 

If you aren’t convinced, check out this post in liquid watercolor paints

First, students used oil pastels to draw the background; yellow for the sun, then green or brown for the fields and finish off with fluffy, white colored-in clouds.

First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways using watercolors or tempera paint

Then they painted. The oil pastel creates the perfect barrier that deters colors from mixing in-between shapes and when students paint over the white clouds, it will seem like magic as they appear from beneath the paint.

First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways using watercolors or tempera paint

Add the scarecrow as directed above to finish off this watercolor beauty.

Look at these adorable scarecrows below!

First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways using watercolors or tempera paint
First Grade Scarecrows done in two different ways using watercolors or tempera paint

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  • sara's art house

    Love the scarecrows!!

  • Erika

    Love your site! I am a volunteer at a missionary school and I teach all the elementry art classes. Your blog is awesome! Thanks for sharing : )

  • Dawn

    Wow, just found this site and love it! I teach first grade and always struggle to find “real art” rather than cut and paste activities. One change I made on this scarecrow actvity, rather than black paint I had the children use a black crayon to draw the lines reminding them to press hard. It worked great because they didn’t have to worry about the black paint smearing and they could still see the lines. We painted one day and made the scarecrows another day.
    Keep the ideas coming….I am excited to use your ideas.
    Thank you for sharing.

  • Leslie

    Just did these today with my second graders and they are priceless!

  • Ann Hestand

    I did this project as a substitute teacher with a kindergarten class. We drew the background as a whole class using black crayons. The children also made their scarecrows as a whole class. We painted the backgrounds in small groups of 3-4 children. The finished products are delightful!

  • taeler.scott@gmail.com

    I absolutely love your art lessons. The kids think they are great and I love the variations that you offer. Really helps get me thinking when I’m stuck and need some fresh ideas for lessons! Can’t wait to try this one out! Do you have a preferred template for the scarecrows. I’m thinking of having one for my younger kiddo’s.

  • Gillian Low

    Hi there, I am trying to purchase the full lesson for Scarecrow – Two Ways on Teachers Pay Teachers as I would love the Scarecrow template. I am struggling to find it! Can you help? Thank you.

    • Patty

      Sorry Gillian! We don’t have that lesson available on teachers Pay Teachers. It’s available inside our Sparklers Club membership 🙂

  • Sandra

    looks fun

  • Christine black

    love this!

  • Sinead G

    great resource

  • Madison Bender

    awesome idea!

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