For the last episode of Art Made easy, I'm sharing my 3 favorite books to read to reignite your creative juices.

Creative Books to Read This Summer – Art Made Easy 024


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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For the last episode of Art Made easy, I'm sharing my 3 favorite books to read to reignite your creative juices.

Today is the last episode of Art Made Easy Season One!

When I embarked on this podcast journey, my intentions was to test out the platform, see if anyone was interested in listening to what I had to say and to share my love of teaching art through others.

I’m proud that the show has over 65K downloads and has been in the New & Noteworthy section as well as the What’s Hot section in iTunes (K-12 education) since we began. That means that many of you tune in every week to listen.

Thank you!

To me there is no better way to begin summer, than to have a stack of books at the ready. Teachers need this time to recharge their creative batteries, take a break from the rigors of teaching and to explore new ideas and pursuits.

Books can help take you there…to the place where anything is possible.

Today’s episode shares three of my favorite books: One to help you form new habits, another to take you on a creative journey and the final one to allow you to step into the life of an artist/entrepreneur.

Season Two of Art Made Easy will start in late August. See you then!


– What I’ll be doing this summer (including exciting plans for Deep Space Sparkle)!

– Which book can be used as a guide to help you get past “sticking points” in the creative process

– What inspired me in different phases of my life & how creativity is literally a “living, breathing thing”

– How visiting museums, libraries and nature will open your mind up to new ideas

– What is a “morning writing commitment”?

– If you really need to be an artist to teach art to kids

– Why you need to listen to your instincts and that little voice inside your head

– Why you can do anything, whenever, when it comes to creativity

– How really knowing yourself is needed before you change any of your habits

– Why you need to understand what others are motivated by

Vera Neumann- Inside the book




The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron (affiliate link)

Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits–to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Life by Gretchen Rubin (affiliate link)

Vera: The Art and Life of an Icon by Susan Seid (affiliate link)

Jess Lively, The Lively Show

Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies   & Quizzes

What do you think?

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  • Anna August

    thank you so much for all the shows!

  • jassyperez@yahoo.com

    Patti thank you so much for creating these podcasts. It has been amazing and inspirational to listen to you. I must admit I am kind of addicted to art made easy now!!! Can’t wait for season 2. You had such wonderful guests and topics. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

    • patty.palmer@deepspacesparkle.com

      Thank YOU so much. Making the weekly commitment to producing this show is entirely worth it after reading comments like those.Thank you so much for letting me know it is helpful!

  • Michelle Klosowsky

    Already ordered my books! Thank you for your recommendations and for what you are doing. I’m a new art teacher, I started last fall, and probably wouldn’t have made it through the first school year without the advice and the information you’ve shared over this past first season of podcasts!

    • patty.palmer@deepspacesparkle.com

      Than you so much Michelle! I hope you had a successful year. Now, we’ll make your second year even better!

  • Michelle Gifford

    You are the second blogger I follow who has mentioned Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin. It’s already on my Amazon Wishlist, so I guess it’s time to make the purchase! I’m a sucker for Personality Tests too! Thanks for such an inspiring program. I love your interviews, but my favorite episodes are the ones where you just speak from your own heart and experience.

  • Cathy

    Hi Patty,

    Congratulations on a most excellent first season. The value that you’ve brought to my life just in discussing art in general has been very meaningful on a personal level. I’m not an art teacher but have listened because I wanted to give my creative side a chance albeit a bit late in life as I’m in my 50s. With your last podcast recommendation of The Artist’s Way, I downloaded a sample and then got it from my library. Reading the first 35 pages, I can tell this will be pivotal for me. So thank you very much for always keeping this art space open and serving the art teacher community (and others) so well. May you continue to find the clearings from which your own creativity springs from and be nurtured by it.

    • patty.palmer@deepspacesparkle.com

      Thank you so much Cathy. What a lovely comment to read. Enjoy the Artist’s Way!

  • Martee Reeg

    Another fantastic, encouraging and inspiring podcast! Thank you for taking the time to create these, Patty!! I love listening to them. I am super jazzed about The Artist’s Way. I ordered a copy and can’t wait to begin reading it. Too often, I say that I am too busy to create my own artwork. When the reality is that I am uninspired (intimidated??) to create anything that isn’t seemingly “useful or beneficial to my own teaching.” I am hoping to overcome this mentality this summer and get back to creating for myself…and thus, for my students.

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