A conversation with a first year art teacher: Art Made Easy Interview with Sparkler Lesly Chamate

A Conversation with a First Year Art Teacher: AME 054


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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A conversation with a first year art teacher: Art Made Easy Interview with Sparkler Lesly Chamate

Teaching art to kids in your home or at school for the very first time is exciting, but challenging. Developing your teaching style, understanding how children create, and determining what style of lessons to teach can be a slow process.

Today’s show features Deep Space Sparkle member, Lesly Chamate from Florida. As a first time art teacher, Lesly joined our Sparkler community to learn how to teach art to kids. Over the past year she has grown from a mom unsure how to teach art to kids, to dreaming of how to expand her small studio to reach even more kids and adults.

We chat about how to manage children working at different paces, how to deliver art instructions so all children are eager to participate and how to optimize an art studio with limited space.


  • What the differences are between teaching inside and outside of the home
  • How to set the right intention when kids want to do their own thing
  • How Lesly has evolved as an art teacher by constantly learning new things
  • What you can do when your children work at different paces
  • Why a curious teacher is the best type of teacher
  • How you don’t have to do everything when starting out, but build from where you’re at
  • What Lesly is doing to grow as an artist and ways she’s looking to expand what services she offers




Laura Lohmann’s, Painted Paper Art

Rachelle Doorley’s, Tinker Lab

Creativebug Website

Creative Boot Camp with Lisa Congdon

Ladies Drawing Night: Make Art, Get Inspired, Join the Party by Julia Rothman (affiliate link)

Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way by Jennifer Orkin Lewis (affiliate link)

Granny’s Clan: A Tale of Wild Orcas by Dr.Sally Hodson & Ann Jones (affiliate link)

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram

Patty Palmer At Home Instagram


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  • heikerael@gmail.com

    I really enjoyed your pod cast with Lesly Chamate. I agree with you ladies I am living my dream job running my little art studio and having been able to stay home with my son. He will attend KG this year and I have been slowly and organically grown over the past year.
    It is wonderful that you added small studio owners in your pod casts. I love them! I can’t wait to learn more and share my experiences with others and continue to grow 🙂

    Thank you ladies!

    • Patty

      Thank you Heike!

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