art room mnanagement strategies KAITLYN EDINGTON & Patty Palmer -AME 088

Classroom Management Strategies That Work For You: AME 088


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Wouldn’t it be nice if we could step into our art rooms and spend the entire session creating art? Not likely, right? Managing behavior, creating management plans, enforcing rules and asking children to stop talking consumes most of our energy.

And when our classroom management plan is no longer effective, any effort is literally exhausting. It’s easy to say, do this or do that and your problem will be solved. Managing the behavior of your students, your art room, your community requires a highly individualized effort.

Kaitlyn Edington knows this feeling well.

As a first year art teacher at a rural Title 1 school in South Carolina, Kaitlyn had to forget all she knew about management and create a system specifically for her unique group of students.

Today’s episode shares what she did and how she did it…


– The effects Kaitlyn’s elementary school art teacher had on her future art career

– How Kaitlyn connects and builds trust with her students

– Why positive reinforcement is more impactful than disciplining students

– How to incorporate sketch books in the classrooms

– Kaitlyn’s top 3 classroom management tips including her amazing points system using popsicle sticks

– How Instagram has successfully impacted Kaitlyn’s career




Draw Paint Make Online Summer Workshop

Sparklers Club Waitlist

Kaitlyn Edington’s Instagram

Dirty John

Ted Radio Hour

How I Built This with Guy Raz

Classroom Management: A Step in the Right Direction

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram




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  • Michelle Gifford

    I’ve been following Kaitlyn on Instagram ever since she was announced as a presenter for the Online Summer Workshop. Her feed is a delightful mix of art and personal family life, which resonates so well with the transparent interview she gave on this podcast. I love how the theme of trust, connection, and positivity continues to stand out in so many Art Made Easy podcasts. It also reminded me of your memorable interview with Sally Haughey, which focused so much on establishing trust and fostering joy in the art room. I can’t wait to hear more from Kaitlyn this summer!

  • Jennifer Finlinson

    I have a question about the popsicle stick system. How does this work across multiple classes? For example, I have nine different kindergarten classes each week. Does each class have its own sticks or are the “red team” sticks shared between all nine classes? If each class has its own sticks, I would have nine classes X eight groups in each class = 72 cups of sticks! I could combine tables and make four groups in each class for a total of 36 cups of sticks. This can’t be right. Could you please give more details about the popsicle stick system? Thanks!

  • aburfitt3

    Loved the face painting as positive reinforcement! It brought back my memories of my kindergarten teacher sitting down at snack time and folding napkins into origami lotus flowers as a special treat to students. You felt like really big stuff when you got to take one home. That was 53 years ago. Those special moments can go a long way!

  • Shaban

    The world needs more level headed professional teachers like you. It is from this point that the younger generations shape and has a huge impact on what they become.

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