
Christmas Art Projects Round-up


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

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A collection of kids Christmas art and craft projects from my favorite bloggers.

I adore Christmas and all the traditions and festivities surrounding it. Creating paper Santas and collage angels were a favorite activity when I was a child. But today, fewer schools are allowing Christmas based activities and mine is one of them.

So instead of posting a Deep Space Sparkle Christmas art lesson, I’m posting my favorite finds for 2013. I look for projects that link to sites that offer tutorials so hopefully the links will stay active.

The above Santa Plate from Fun Art 4 Kids is one of my favorites. If I could do an art lesson for Christmas, this might be the one I’d do. Wouldn’t this make an adorable keepsake for your child?

A collection of kids Christmas art and craft projects from my favorite bloggers.

1. This Nativity Scene is beautiful. Younger children can create this with the help of an adult while older kids would have the freedom to draw their own versions. This lesson has many homes. The image above was found on Housing a Forest.

2. Christmas Card Collage from Arteascuola: Although this sample was create by an adult, I think children would love the collage format of this card. I could see children as young as four or five creating cute little snowmen or Santas.

3. Origami Stars from Krokotak: I haven’t done an origami lesson with my art students but I know a few teachers at my school who love it. These star banners are simply lovely. In fact, I think I’ll gather some paper and give them a try today.

4. Line and Pattern Ornament from Art Expression of Imagination: Perfect combination of an art lesson and a holiday project.

5. Gingerbread House from A Faithful Attempt: Gingerbread-themed projects can be tied to literacy, so it’s one project you could do if you weren’t certain of your school’s policy on Holiday art. I love the idea of creating a gingerbread house with this cool tone background.

A collection of kids Christmas art and craft projects from my favorite bloggers.

6. Three Wise Men from That Artist Woman: I love this project. It has beautiful art elements and ties in the religion which many of us are not allow to do. These would make lovely holiday keepsakes, too. Can you see that they are hung on dowels? Lovely!

7. Golden Holiday Trees from Kids Artists: Hands down the most beautiful and arguably, the least religious or Christmas-themed of the bunch. There’s a great tutorial for this lesson, so make sure you visit the site.

8. Cute-as-pie Elves from Pink and Green Mama: Oh my goodness. Aren’t these little elves the cutest little things ever? If you are into crafts, I would think these elves could fill a while morning of crafting with your children. Fun!

Do you have a favorite Christmas project that you do every year? Please share!

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  • Stacie

    Very nice choices! I like the Gingerbread house and the pinecone elves.

  • fantasy artist

    Xmass is always lots of fun and with some crafty works done with your kids its even more fun 🙂 I like the stars 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Kasey

    Love the Christmas plate too, I bought your lesson plan on clay in the classroom? Any suggestions on what to look for when purchasing a kiln for my art students? I am overwhelmed with all the options.

    • Patty Palmer

      Hi Kasey,
      I have a Scutt kiln but its pretty old. It has a kiln sitter which can be tricky to adjust but it can also be easy. I would probably suggest getting a digital kiln as they are more precise. You can call one of the kiln companies and talk to a sales rep. They can talk you through features.
      Did you have a question regarding the Clay PDF? I see a question mark but not the question. Let me know and I’m more than happy to answer.

  • Jill

    I love all of these ideas! Today, my daughters and i made a bunch of gingerbread men and ladies out of found objects such as buttons, ribbon, scrap papers, etc. They loved creating each one with a different personality and now they are all hanging as a big happy family in my kitchen.

    • Patty Palmer

      I’m so glad. I miss those days of doing crafts with my daughter. Although, I’m sure she would still be an eager participant if I suggested it!

  • miriam paternoster

    Thanks for sharing my link http://www.arteascuola.com , I think it’s simple to do these card with children because the subjects are very easy, I’ve done with my children as well using newspapers, magazines and other recycling materials, have a look on http://arteascuola.com/2011/12/christmas-card/ and Happy Christmas 🙂

    • Patty Palmer

      Thanks for the link, Miriam. I love this project and love the idea of using newspapers and magazines….everyone has those around!

  • Maria

    Thank you for the lovely Xmas projects and specially for generously taking your time to look for them and share.
    Merry Xmas to all those who follow your post.

  • metal artsit

    I love all of these ideas! Today, my daughters and i made a bunch of gingerbread men and ladies out of found objects such as buttons, ribbon, scrap papers, etc. They loved creating each one with a different personality and now they are all hanging as a big happy family in my kitchen.

  • Diane

    You have many great ideas! I have just started teaching small groups at our local YMCA monthly arts and crafts classes. The ages of the kids goes from 5 to 12 so I am looking at your ideas with the mindset of how I can adapt to reach all the kids within the age range.

    • Patty

      It can be challenging but totally doable. Sometimes its just about picking the right projects. Scale up or down depending on the kids and always use age appropriate art techniques.

  • Renae

    Looks great. Love the trees and the stars.

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