3 Ways to Honor National Hispanic Heritage Month

3 Ways to Honor National Hispanic Heritage Month


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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From September 15th to October 15th, we celebrate and honor National Hispanic Heritage Month. If you’ve ever wondered why it begins in the middle of the month, it’s because September 15th is the day that several Latin American countries celebrate their independence, with Mexico’s and Chile’s falling shortly after.

This is a great time for teachers and students to dive into the history, culture and traditions of over 20 countries, including Spain, Mexico, parts of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

Unsure of how you can honor National Hispanic Heritage Month in your art room? Here are three ways to do so:

1. Recognize the contributions of notable Hispanic or Latina/e/o/x Americans like Cesar Chavez, Sonia Sotomayor, Jennifer Lopez and Roberto Clemente. Need a lesson idea? Pair any interesting portrait project with a simple research component.

2. Share art and literature written by or about Hispanic or Latina/e/o/z Americans. Here are some of our favorite children’s books:

Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal

Coqui in the City by Nomar Perez

If Dominican Were a Color by Sili Recio

Dreamers by Yuyi Morales

Drum Dream Girl by Margarita Engle & Rafael López

Carmela Full of Wishes by Matt De La Peña & Christian Robinson

3 Ways to Honor National Hispanic Heritage Month

You can use this downloadable handout below, to have discussions about the book Alma and How She Got Her Name, and the importance of our names and characteristics that make each of our students uniquely themselves.

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This guide is meant to help your students understand the purpose of the book, with each question creating a discussion on the importance of identity and connection.

3. Explore the geography. Show your students what countries are involved in National Hispanic Heritage Month and where these countries are located. You can also explain that while the term “Hispanic” and “Latina/e/o/x are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not the same.

While National Hispanic Heritage Month may only last for 30 days, you can use each of these as a springboard for building awareness and honoring both Hispanic and Latina/e/o/x heritage year-round.

If there comes a time when you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to admit it and then use that as motivation to learn more.

To help you get started, here is one of our favorite contemporary artists, Quinn Antonio Briceño.

Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month: Contemporary Hispanic Artists Your Students Will Love: Quinn Antonio Briceño

Photo Credit: @qbricenoart

Quinn Antonio Briceño was born in Nicaragua, but is now based in St. Louis, Missouri. His artwork draws from his life experiences growing up in both Nicaragua and the United States and his creations encapsulate his search for identity and finding balance between both backgrounds. He paints with acrylics and creates traditional Nicaraguan tile patterns and natural stains from different beans to pay homage to his heritage.

Create expressive portraits like Briceño with this lesson: Emotion Portraits

Draw inspiration from Mexican themes with these lesson ideas:

Mexican Folk Art: Symmetrical Floral Designs using Markers

Sugar Skulls & Day of the Dead Art Ideas

To learn more about other artists with connections to countries celebrated in National Hispanic Heritage Month, you can check out the Contemporary Hispanic Artists Bundle inside the Sparklers’ Club. Not a Sparklers’ Club member? Join the waitlist HERE.

3 Ways to Honor National Hispanic Heritage Month

Do you have other artists or book recommendations that you’d like to share? We’d love to learn about them in the comments below!

3 Ways to Honor National Hispanic Heritage Month

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  • Elizabeth Reinoso

    The artwork is beautiful. I am a contemporary artist also, I am 62 yrs old and started to do my artwork now after graduating from college in 1982. I really want to know how can I become part of your oganization to show my artwork. I want to demonstrate that after 60 you can still fulfill your passion. Can you help me or guide me to an organization that I may join?

    • Patty

      I love that you are just beginning your art career. My mother began painting in her 70’s and has truly found so much joy in that. Our business serves to develop resources for art teachers so that they may continue to be inspired and supported in their careers.
      If you teach art to kids, you will love what we offer on this website.
      Keep creating!

  • Cynthia Panek

    I’m teaching the DSS Contemporary Hispanic Artists bundle now with my K-5 students. I love to share with them artists from their culture. All my students learn how a culture is alike or different from their own.

    • Mariana

      You have to check out Isol! She is a talented Argentinean artist

  • kiran

    I really like your art

  • margaretalarcon

    There is a Chicana artist that has a famous butterfly art work called “migration is beautiful”. Her name is Favianna Rodriguez. Check it out! 🙂

  • Pree Arnold

    I am figure head of the Diversity and Inclusion committee here. I am admittedly so not so versed on all the cultures I want to shed awareness on. Thank you very much for this!!

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