Patty Palmer Shares the Secret Behind the Growth of Deep Space Sparkle

Behind The Sparkly Curtain: AME 114



While I’ve been asked a hundred times, I rarely go out of my way to talk about it. Mostly, I’m afraid of the unwanted attention it would create. Or the feeling that I was abandoning my art teacher identity or that somehow my intentions were misguided. The it I’m talking about is how I transformed an art teacher’s side hustle into a thriving business that employs nine people and impacts thousands of teachers worldwide.

The it is Deep Space Sparkle.

Today, I’m taking you behind the Sparkly curtain to share with you how I run DSS. From sharing how my early mentors influenced how I created content to how my current business coaches have literally changed the trajectory of my life.

In the past two years, I retired (or liberated as he puts it) Neil from corporate America, hired 7 ladies and developed a membership site that has over 5000 active members.

It hasn’t been an easy road but it was one fueled by passion, purpose and instinct.

If you know anyone who could benefit from this podcast, please share! It’s really easy. Just open up your podcast app on your iPhone, search for Art Made Easy and click the share button. And while you’re there, please consider adding a rating or review.


– How I got started selling my first few lessons and why I was so excited with the possibilities

– What I gained from taking an online course and how it’s influenced what I create now

– How to know when it’s time to focus more effort on your side business

– What going “all in” with Deep Space Sparkle looked like, including renting office space and hiring a team

– Who influenced me the most for building my dream business




Watch How Neil and Patty grew Deep Space Sparkle HERE

Find out more about my mastermind coaches, Stu McLaren amd James Wedmore

Deep Space Sparkle Shop and Teachers Pay Teachers Shop

Join the Waitlist to be apart of my Sparklers Membership Club

Podcast’s and Bloggers mentioned in this episode of AME:

Holly Becker Blogging Your Way

Amy Porterfield Podcast

Pat Flynn Podcast

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram

Patty Palmer At Home Instagram


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  • Julie Abels

    I LOVE this episode!! Thank you for your transparency and encouragement to do a creative business!

    • Patty

      Thank YOU Julie….so happy it resonated. 🙂

  • Susana Villarreal

    Thank you for this podcast! it resonate in me when you coment that kids are grow and left home and make me think that this is the time to rediscover how we ARE. I am in my journey to become an Art Teacher and under your wing I will succed.

    • Patty

      It’s a tricky time in one’s life…when the kids leave. It creates a wonderful opportunity to reinvent yourself!

  • Kelli Sacher

    Thank you, Patty! Your transparency through all the tricky stages of this journey gives me further justification to keep pursuing my crazy idea to grow a creative business.

    • Patty

      Thank you Kelli! The transitions can be hard but if you have an idea, the world deserves to hear and see it.

  • Nicole Root

    Thank you so much, Patty, for sharing your behind the scenes. I sooo appreciate it. I have admired you from the first day I discovered DSS. I am a member even though I no longer work with children but with adults with dementia. I am finding my way as to how to best bring engaging creative moments to our elders who are needing full time care as their world narrows and opportunities are not as great as they used to be. I thank you a million times over for sharing your story as I am an entrepreneur at heart. Recently, however, I have been disheartened as I am not sure I can figure out and maneuaver myself in this intense complicated social media world. But to listen to you, that in so many ways sounds like myself, allows that spark to stay alive and hope that one day I will have the clarity and support that it takes to turn a passion from a hobby into a business. My goal is to help Activity Professionals and Caregivers caring for adults with cognitive challenges feel as supported as your art teachers by you.

    • Patty

      It sounds like you have a very actionable and succinct biz goal. Keep at it. Social media may not even be necessary as your target market may not even use it. Keep your ideas sparkling and keep consistent. Do your thing!

      • Nicole Root

        Thanks, Patty.

  • Susie Ellis

    Hi Patty,
    Another Sunday in the art room catching up and listening to DSS podcasts! I missed this podcast. I really enjoyed the story of your journey! Your comments on being excited when you made $5 and then $20 are so true! Every time I hear the “cha-ching” when I sell a lesson on TPT is quite exciting! Unfortunately, I haven’t progressed. I told a friend I earn enough for a couple Starbucks coffees a month! Haha! I’m going take advice you gave me a year ago at the Sarasota meet-up start publishing more of my religious based lessons. I do have a question though. Any advice on how get my TPT page and my webpage noticed in the sea of other creators? Thanks for all you and your awesome team do!!

  • Joseph Fish

    Ms. Patty Palmer, I hope this message find you well. I really enjoy your podcast AME 114. I believe I have a friend that really needs to hear this podcast. She is attempting to start a business to educate K-6. At this point in time she is having difficulties in reaching her clients. If I was going to give her advice about her future. My advice would be your life. Keep up the good work.

  • Stacie Mullen

    I cannot tell you how much I enjoy ALL of your podcasts!! I am a K-5 art teacher in Kansas at day (can I also say – at a school with no planning period)) and I do after school art classes and summer camps. I love what I do – I don’t love my schedule….
    Due to the virus, I won’t be doing any of these this spring/summer… unless in June/July I decide to due small groups in my house. UH- nail bitter!!
    I have welcomed this slow down season – I usually don’t get a moment to catch my breath and just think!
    My goal during quarantine is to listen to as many of your amazing podcasts as I can!! :0) I just love your JOY you radiant in all things!! And I am learning so many great nuggets from you!! I love learning!! – especially from a positive force! :0)

    Your journey has inspired me in so many ways that I am goal setting like crazy!!
    I am mainly emailing you today to say THANK YOU! THANK YOU for all you share and the LOVE that is relevant in it all!!
    Stacie Mullen

    • Patty

      Thank you Stacie!
      That means alot.

  • Beth

    So glad I discovered you! I’m a retired Art Teacher, but still sub and teach Paint Nights. I’m new to my current community and am looking to start up an after school art program in my home studio. I will be looking more into your membership, why reinvent the wheel! This podcast was very enlightening and interesting, thank-you! I’m just concerned about how to structure during COVID times to keep my students and myself safe.

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