Art Made Easy 006: How to determine if an art project is right for your class with Patty Palmer

Tips to Help Gauge if an Art Project is Right for Your Class: AME 006


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Art Made Easy 006: How to determine if an art project is right for your class with Patty Palmer

How do I gauge if a lesson is too easy or too complicated for an age group?

I get asked that a lot. And Heaven’s knows, I’ve tried to answer that question myself on more than one occasion. But here’s the thing: judging whether a lesson will work with your little charges gets easier and easier. Still, I resort to a framework that I established by about my fifth year of teaching.

These are my very general guidelines as to what kids in a K-6 art room are comfortable learning while at the same time challenged enough to promote artistic growth. And that’s what this episode is about. How to determine whether or not your class will be up to the challenge of a particular art project.

This episode is perfect for everyone who wonders whether that art project you’re eyeing on Pinterest will suit your class. 





Kandinsky Paper Cutting Lesson

Play Doh Project

Crayola Air Dry Clay


Fancy Fish Collage Art Project

What are Liquid Watercolor Paints

Eric Carle-Inspired Butterflies


Paper Weaving Projects


How to Color with Markers

Tropical Fish Watercolor Art Project


Castle Art Projects


Clipper Ship Projects

Perspective Lesson


Ceramic Tile Murals

Sketchbook Projects

Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils


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AME 006: How to determine if an art project is right for your class with Patty Palmer

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  • fin.neky.me@gmail.com

    Thank you so so much for this. Your podcasts are so helpful.
    Can’t wait to see what comes next.

    • Patty Palmer

      Thanks so much for listening. The line-up for the next month is so inspiring. Stay tuned!

  • emstuver@charter.net

    I love this podcast!!! Thank you Patty!!!!

  • Andrea Verbeek

    This is the first podcast I’ve ever listened to and I love it. I get super excited when there is a new one! I’m learning so much, and thank you for all of your time, advice, projects and great guests. Keep them coming!!

  • meade.michelle@gmail.com

    Great info for me! Where do I find a complete list of DSS grade level lessons?

    • Patty Palmer

      Click on the turquoise button in the red box above.

  • meade.michelle@gmail.com

    I think this is where I found the huge mega list of grade level lessons- hundreds and they say “Zoom in to read more”. I did download your smaller hand out which is great in the turquoise button above in the rec box. But what I am talking about is huge. I printed it out- I had to go click on a different individual grade for each list of lessons. Maybe it is another place on your site. Let me know. I looked over my mega list and want to make sure I have purchased enough lessons. I am planning my whole first teaching year with you!

    • Patty Palmer

      I’m not exactly sure what you saw, but you can find grade level art lessons in the menu bar. Also I have a resource page in my Teaching Art 101 class. You can access the lessons from there.

  • meade.michelle@gmail.com

    https://www.deepspacesparkle.com/sixth-grade-2/ is where I wen to find the 6th grade master list. It is the same address for all the other grades- just use the grade name in place of 6th. This really helps me select my lessons for each grade. Thanks for having a master list by grade though it is challenging to find. I had to look back on my copies to find the address.

    • Patty Palmer

      Hi Michelle,
      Go to Menu bar> ART LIBRARY > LESSON BY GRADE > select grade level

  • Adi Yochalis

    Thank you so much for all the arrange info by all age and grade levels, it`s very helpful for me as I`m starting to plan my classes in a new school, and it gave me a lot of grounding points to start with.

    • Patty

      You are so welcome Adi!

  • Sandra

    A great podcast Patty with lots of helpful information for a newbie art teacher like myself. Thanks so much

  • Rena Kondogoni

    I am a grandmother of a girl 9 years old, we live in Athens Greece, I have studied in England in the 60s’ at Bath Academy of Art, Graphic art ,of course I love painting more,but I had to do it because of the family printing factory,anyway now I want to teach my grandaugther who really has talent.This is the reason I am looking for some clues,thank you.

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