Art Made Easy 008: Secrets of a Top Teachers Pay Teachers Seller Jennifer White

Secrets of a Teachers Pay Teachers Top Seller: AME 008


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Art Made Easy 008: Secrets of a Top Teachers Pay Teachers Seller Jennifer White

Have your colleagues ever told you how well you explained a lesson? Or how creative you are? Do people always ask you for advice?

If any of these questions ring true for you then you need to listen to this episode.

Jennifer White shares how she went from teaching during the day and working as a cashier at night to making $14K in her first THREE months of selling her craft products on Teachers Pay Teachers. Crazy, right?

I know I sound like an informercial, but I guarantee you that Jennifer is humble yet strategic about her success. I loved talking to Jennifer and appreciate her willingness to help you create the side job of your dreams.

This episode is for anyone who is thinking of selling digital products on Teachers Pay Teachers or wishes to make a bigger impact with small easy tweaks to existing products.




– Jennifer’s strategy for teaching a directed line drawing

– How this type of drawing can be used as a confidence booster for kids

– A technique you can use to keep the little ones on track, and on the same page

– How Jennifer got into Teachers Pay Teachers  and the effect this website has had on her life

– Jennifer’s best tips for navigating the site

– Advise on designing a new product to sell online, and how to “breathe new life” into an older product that you’re offering

– Who should pay for advertising on Teachers Pay Teachers

– How to discount and hold a sale, the right way

– Whether or not you should sign up for a free account on Teachers Pay Teachers, or become a premium member

Jennifer spoke at the most recent Teachers Pay Teachers Conference in Las Vegas and wants to share her conference presentation download with you! To access the download, just enter your email and your name. The guide will be delivered to your email address.

Note: By entering your name, you will automatically be subscribed to the free DSS weekly newsletter, but know that you can unsubscribe at any time. 

Click here to subscribe

You can connect with Jennifer on her blog at First Grade Blue Skies, through Instagram and Facebook.

Art Made Easy 008: Secrets of a Top Teachers Pay Teachers Seller Jennifer White

Despite the fact that I said amazing about twenty times during this interview, if this show inspired you in any way, please subscribe to Art Made Easy in iTunes and leave a rating or review. This helps the podcast get recognized by more creative people like yourself.

Thank you so much!

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  • Leanne

    As an art teacher myself I’m very interested in hearing your story and different ideas/ techniques you have.
    Thank you

  • Joanne Duval

    Hi Patty,
    I am new to podcasts and I am addicted! I have been waiting each week for yours to come out…love it. I have been unable to download this weeks podcast. I keep getting a message that it can not be downloaded at this time? Do you have any idea about what I am doing wrong.

  • Joanne Duval

    Also if I just try and play it I get that the podcast is temporarily unavailable from “Art Make Easy”. (I tend to download instead of playing since I like in a zone where we don’t have internet available)

    • Patty Palmer

      Hi Joanne,
      Yes, there seems to be a problem. I’ll check into it. Thanks for letting me know!

  • artteacher44@yahoo.com

    I loved the podcast. Thank you so much for your helpful information.

  • Lucy Jennings

    Today was the day I had planned to open a shop on TPT, and what do you know? You had a podcast about just that! Thank you! it helped me a lot!

    • Patty Palmer

      I love how things like this work out! Glad you found what you needed. Thanks, Lucy!

  • Amber Kane

    Thanks for the inspiration to keep working on my TPT shop!!!

  • mary

    This is such a great resource! Thank you for sharing your expertise.