Art Made Easy 007 How to Create a Thematic Unit with Laura Lohmann from Painted Paper

How to Create a Thematic Art Unit with Laura Lohmann: AME 007


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Art Made Easy 007 How to Create a Thematic Unit with Laura Lohmann from Painted Paper

Have you ever wondered how art teachers come up with so many fabulous lessons? Today I talk to Laura Lohmann from the blog, Painted Paper, on her strategy for designing & implementing her amazing school-wide thematic units.

She walks you through the steps she uses to select a year long art theme, strategies that go into designing the curriculum and how she creates the projects with her students.

You can download a free worksheet that will help you design the art curriculum of your dreams!

This episode is for anyone who wants to learn how design a thematic art unit from the early research stages to implementation in the art room. 




– How Laura sets up her art room for multi-class mural making

– How many students Laura teaches and what her schedule looks like

– Laura secret to high engagement in the art room

– The brand of paint Laura swears by

– How to make painting work in your classroom and the secret that will make the process effortless

– How Laura structures her art class

– How Laura plans her curriculum and when she starts (this might surprise you!)

– Tips for teaching art from a cart

– Tying in the elements of art and state standards

– Literacy connections

– Clean-up strategies


Alisa Burke

Kezz Brett

Texture Tools from Lakeshore

Blick premium Tempera Paint

Crayola Premium Paint

How to Create a Mural

A few Mexican Inspired Projects

A few Art Projects inspired by India

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Art Made Easy 007 How to Create a Thematic Unit with Laura Lohmann from Painted Paper

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You can find Laura through Instagram @paintedpaperintheartroom, through her blog Painted Paper and her amazing store on Teachers pay Teacher

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  • Vgwagoner

    When making painted paper do you start with white or colored paper?

    Live the tip about no water!

    • Patty Palmer

      You can do both Virginia. If you ante you painted paper to have a warm or cool tone, you could start with a warm or cool tone paper. I always use the white but you don’t have to.

  • Karla Standley

    At first when you said no water painting I was like what? Now I am excited to try this with my pre-schoolers. You have some great ideas I am excited to try these ideas with my class. I love the different cultures and colors. Thank you for inspiring me to try new ideas.

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