Art Made Easy Episode 001: How I became an art teacher and my best advice for teaching art to kids

How I Became an Art Teacher & My Best Advice for Teaching Art to Kids: AME 001


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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How to Teach Art:

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Yes, the day has come!

After a long time deciding if, I finally said when.

Thank you SO much for your encouragement, show suggestions and help getting Art Made Easy off the ground.

Many of you were so pumped about this show but confessed that you had no idea what a podcast was. I love you guys for your unbridled enthusiasm.

Here’s a quick definition of a podcast & what to expect from Art Made Easy:

A podcast is a free radio show. The host (me!) interviews guests or talks about a favorite subject. You get to listen through your computer, laptop or smart phone. I like to listen to my favorite podcasts in my car during long travel days or on my walks via set of ear buds and my iPhone.

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And now onto the show…

Art Made Easy Episode 001: How I became an art teacher and my best advice for teaching art to kidsThis show shares my journey of how I became an art teacher. We all have different paths and this one is mine. I'll share advice to those who are just starting out as an art teacher and some of my best tips for teaching art to kids.This episode is for anyone who thinks they may not have the qualifications to be an art teacher. Teaching art to kids doesn't have to happen inside a classroom. You can teach art at home, at a summer camp and even as a volunteer (like I did).If you are an art teacher just beginning your journey, I'm sharing my best advice to get you through that tough first year. Download my free handout and keep it in your teacher planner and refer to it when you have a tough day.

For my first show, I wanted to tell you my story of how I became an art teacher. We all have different paths and this one is mine. I’ll share advice to those who are just starting out as an art teacher and some of my best tips for teaching art to kids.

This episode is for anyone who thinks they may not have the qualifications to be an art teacher. Teaching art to kids doesn’t have to happen inside a classroom. You can teach art at home, at a summer camp and even as a volunteer (like I did).

If you are an art teacher just beginning your journey, I’m sharing my best advice to get you through that tough first year. Download my free handout and keep it in your teacher planner and refer to it when you have a tough day.




Drawing With Children: A Creative Method for Adult Beginners, Too

Art Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Adventures in Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Paper, and Mixed Media-For Budding Artists of All Ages (Lab Series)

National Art Convention

CreativeLive– free online classes

Art Teachers Facebook Group

Website: Painted Paper in the Art Room (Laura Lohmann)

Website: Art of Education

Book: Classroom Management for Art, Music, and PE Teachers

PS – Please leave a review on iTunes!

Art Made Easy is now live on iTunes! Subscribing to the show and leaving an honest review really helps the show gain visibility and allows me to tailor the show to your needs.

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  • Camille Johnson

    It was a joy to meet you on Saturday. You are an amazing presenter and I learned so much from you. I look forward to listening to your podcasts.

  • Adrienne Viljoen

    Dear Patty,

    Thank you of all your knowledge. Just listened to your first podcast. My oh my, all you said you experienced … I am feeling it. So good know that I am not alone and that I am on the right path.

    Look forward to the next one.

    • Patty Palmer

      Thank you so much Adrienne!

  • Patty Hooker

    Patty! I just listened to all 3 of your first podcasts and I really enjoyed them!! You did an amazing job!! You are definitely a ‘natural’ I’ve been listening to podcasts for years and I can’t tell you how much fun it was to listen to Art teachers tell their stories and share inspiration. I’m so thankful for all you do for Art educators. Can’t wait until the next podcast!! How frequent will you release them??

    • Patty Palmer

      Thank you so much Patty! That means SO SO much!!! I’ll be releasing them weekly. Next up is Cassie Stephens. I’ll share her amazing tips next Thursday. Please share the word and subscribe!

  • Stephanie Johnson

    I found Deep Space Sparkle three years ago when my oldest daughter was 4! We had so much fun learning how to draw butterflies based on your ‘how to draw a butterfly’ tutorial. She drew one and I drew one, then we swapped and painted each others. I still have them hanging on our kitchen wall! I’d love to share a picture with you somehow.

    Since then, I suppose I’ve grown into what you’d call a home educator. I bought a palette of face paints from Snazaroo and started painting my daughters faces for fun. Then I started inviting boys and girls their age over to our house for crafts and more face painting practice 🙂 I called it ‘Art Camp’ and continued that for a year until we moved to Page, Arizona.

    In Page I advanced my face painting by offering it for free at kids birthday parties. That evolved into painting for the public library at events in the park and eventually I painted stage makeup for the local dance production of Alice in Wonderland!

    Sadly we moved again this last summer to Wyoming, but that has turned into another opportunity 🙂 The school district here only has one Art Teacher that the Elementary & Middle Schools share. Meaning our students only get Art instruction once every six weeks! Thus, a couple of Mom’s approached me and asked if I would be willing teach Art lessons after school for their daughters who are craving more!

    I felt honored and elated and accepted on the spot! We meet twice a month now and I usually select a Master Artist, create a handout and some art terms and then we either practice techniques or work on a project that ties into his/her style. It’s so fulfilling and I’m learning a ton! The group is small and manageable too. It includes my two daughters and three others.

    I have four kids but once they are all in school I may take steps to get certified or just continue on my own. Not sure yet!

    I mostly wanted to express my gratitude for all the resources and experiences you share through your website. I am beyond excited to follow your new podcast! I know the information will be invaluable. Oh and before I go, I’m hoping to sign up for your Workshop in Santa Barbara! I grew up in San Diego and we’ll already be down there visiting family so it may work out perfectly.

    • Patty Palmer

      Stephanie, Your story is so inspiring! I love your creative journey. You are the perfect example of how to keep moving forward doing the things you love. You just never know where they lead. I would love to meet you in SB. This workshop is going to be a lovely experience for everyone. Not just learning, but creating, sharing and making friends. Hope to see you!

  • D Sandhu

    Thank you for sharing your creative story as an art teacher. I just want to do the same but just too scared of many things. (messing up, not planning well, what will others say to my ideas and creativity, etc.)
    Thank you for sharing your podcast. It was inspiring to know that you too had difficult times.
    I want to know about how you decide what to do with kids at different level. What directions you give beforehand? What do you ask them to bring on the first day? How many hours classes do you generally take?
    If it is not a problem then could you share one planning session with us? Thanks for everything you already did.

    • Patty Palmer

      Excellent topic! I’ll add this to the topics I plan to do for the podcast. Stayed tuned!

  • Ellen Smith

    I just listened to your first podcast and enjoyed it! I liked when you said to use teachers as guides to students behavior and to take ownership of mistakes. I also agree about trying out projects beforehand and tying them into your own unique style.

  • Ruby Edwards

    I enjoyed the first podcast very much. I have been teaching art for 12 years. My degree is in music education and I teach both music and art along with some dance and drama. I taught music for 16 years prior to inheriting the art classes.

    I have been a fan of Deep Space Sparkle for several years and so thankful you have taken the time to share your knowledge. My principal is allowing me to use the podcasts as professional development.

    It is comforting to know that your tips are exactly what I would recommend. In fact, I’m going to suggest this podcast to one of our district’s first year teachers. Most of the tips fit with teaching music, too.

    About the aprons, I so agree! I will also add, in my experience, shirts over clothing do not always work. I had a student in my early days of teaching art, who was dressed up for an award presentation. She put an old t-shirt over her nice clothes. She became so engrossed in her painting she leaned over into the paint which then soaked through the shirt! To this day, I tell the students to just be very careful and pay attention to what they are doing. When I used to use aprons or shirts, it seemed that the students were less careful. Truthfully, I seldom get paint on myself while painting. Cleaning up is usually when I end up with paint splatters.

  • Mehr

    Dear Patty,
    I came across your website today and would love to listen to your podcasts. I must say you are an inspiration to many educators and homemakers who have a passion for conducting Art classes and now I am at a stage where I need your kind inputs on how to start over again.
    Owing to the current pandemic, traditional teaching methods or classroom learning have all moved more towards virtual learning, thus your expertise and guidance will be much appreciated! Looking forward to your podcasts on the same. Your Website and the invaluable contents have made my day and now there is so much more to look forward to with you. Thanks a ton

  • Maribell

    Thank you so much for your kindness in giving us so much value, especially, to newbies. I’m so happy to be here.

    • Team Sparkle

      Maribell, I’m so happy you found our Sparkly spot on the web!
      Thanks for sharing such sweet words.

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