
Art at Home Toolkit & Guide: AME 068


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

Our Favorite Resources:

For Art Teachers:

For Business Owners:

How to Teach Art:

Kids Video Art Lessons:

Teaching art at home to a few children is quite different than teaching 30 children in a classroom. It means you have more flexibility and freedom to create art when and how you want.

I’ve taught in classrooms, art rooms and around my dining room table and love the nuances that each setting brings.

This podcasts shares some of my best tips for teaching art at home. Make sure to download the Art at Home Toolkit and follow along!


  • How you don’t need to know everything about art when embarking on creating art with your kids, you just need an interest.
  • Why you need to establish your own intentions and expectations before teaching children
  • How the use of descriptive words will enrich children’s vocabularies
  • Why developing a teacher’s mindset and establishing a routine can help so much when managing your child’s behavior
  • Creating a schedule can lead to increased focus and creativity in your children
  • What’s the most important thing that you can give your child to develop their art skills



If you are new to teaching art at home, download this guide which will help identify management strategies, what art supplies to buy and helpful links that will get you teaching in no time!

NOTE: TO RECEIVE THE PDF, YOU MUST WHITELIST our email:  patty.palmer@deepspacesparkle. IF YOU ARE A GMAIL customer, THAT MEANS MOVING OUR EMAILS OUT OF YOUR PROMOTIONS FOLDER (can’t find anything in that!)

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AME 020: The Best Art Project to use with Kids

AME 049: Teaching Art at Home

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  • Jessica

    Is the download still available?

    • Bethany

      Hi Jessica! You’re right the link isn’t working right now! I alerted tech support and they’ll fix it soon. If you need is asap please reach out to support@deepspacesparkle and let them know what you are looking for and they can send it to you directly. Sorry for the trouble!

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