A collection of 7 winter art and craft projects for kids ages 5-10

7 Winter Art Lessons To Try


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

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A collection of 7 winter art and craft projects for kids ages 5-10

Winter is coming and that means I get to pull out my favorite winter art lessons and projects for my students. There is something about blue and white paint that always inspires a few snowmen or snow angels. And yes, I will admit that my glitter supply is well stocked!

Here are some of my favorite art lessons and coordinating picture books that I have done throughout the years that always bring a smile to my students faces.

Once Upon a Northern Night by Jean Pendziwol is a lovely book that I reviewed last year after my first graders enjoyed the book as a prelude to the Wintery Trees Lesson. The lesson is one of my favorites. It’s easy for young hands to master and teaches many art concepts: atmospheric perspective and here, near and far.

If you haven’t read Ernest, the Moose Who Doesn’t Fit by Catherine Rayner, make sure you pick up a copy. Ernest is large, knocked knee’d and very big. My first graders LOVED this book. After we read the book, we made the most adorable moose project ever.

I bought Old Bear by Kevin Henkes just for the illustrations. I couldn’t pass up the pictures of Old Bear and after reading the book to my third graders, I feel in love with the story. The old bear art lesson combines one of my favorite leaf printing techniques with a bear painting. They come together to form a lovely winter activity.

Penguin by Polly Dunbar is simply the most adorable book ever and that’s good because these winter penguins are the most adorable penguins ever. It’s a perfect match.

A Perfect Day by Carin Berger arrived in my mailbox one day. After flipping through the pages, I became giddy with the prospect of re-creating the snow angel kids from the book. The Snow Angel Art lesson became one of my most successful projects that year. There is just something about mixing paint and paper together that children love.

Snowmen at Night is an old favorite that never stops delighting children. Pick any snowman lesson to accompany the book and you’re fine, but this Snowman Lesson was developed especially for the book. I love the combination of dark paper and white paint. Such a lovely contrast.

And to add to all of the great snowman projects out there, one of my absolute favorites is Snowman Collage with a ¾ view. Heart of a Snowman is another snowman book that is especially great for art teachers as it shows the snowman from a unique perspective.

Below is my lesson based on Ted Harrison’s paintings of the Yukon. His book, The Cremation of Sam McGee is a Canadian Classic. Aren’t the colors amazing?

A collection of 7 winter art and craft projects for kids ages 5-10

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  • Rebecca

    Love this post! So happy to see a book list with lots of good commentary and activities to boot. Coming to you from Pinterest. Blogging about books at http://abooklongenough.com.

    • Patty Palmer

      Thanks Rebecca!

  • Brooke

    Oh Patty,

    Your timing is ALWAYS grand. We have been working SO HARD in our homeschool, and are ready for a week of FUN. As usual, you came through with perfect timing for some fun projects. I just got online with my local library, and they have EVERY single book (except one) sitting on the shelf waiting for me! Ya Hoo! I’m out the door with my library card, then home to plan out a week of fun winter art.

    Blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!

    • Patty Palmer

      I love this! Have fun with the projects…hope you try the moose (most adorable project EVER). Thanks for writing!

  • mwolff55@verizon.net

    How do I buy the & Winter Art lessons. Also, I ordered the how to draw a turkey free lesson but could not figure out how to download it.

  • mwolff55@verizon.net

    How do I purchase the 7 Winter Art Lessons. Also, I ordered two free lessons, but could not figure out how to download and print.

    • Patty Palmer

      7 Winter Art Lessons is a compilation of winter art projects that I have done. Each lesson has its own post. If you click on the links in the paragraphs, they will take you to the page where the lesson was detailed. Some lessons are free and others you can pay for.
      To understand how the shop works and to download your freebies, it’s helpful to read this: https://www.deepspacesparkle.com/how-it-works/
      If you have technical support issues, you can ask for help by clicking the on the Contact customer support link here: https://www.deepspacesparkle.com/support/
      Hope this helps!

  • Lynna

    As soon as I saw this on Pinterest, I knew it was Deep Space Sparkle, my favorite art site ever!

    I no longer teach art (budget cuts), but I use some of my old favorite lessons yearly with my kindergarten class. Dancing Cows is probably the most popular. Thank you for inspiring me, even when I don’t get to teach art full-time.


  • J.R. Cooper

    Hi! I used one of your book recommendations for inspiration! You can see the lesson and some of the results here: http://onepointsperspective.blogspot.com/2015/02/once-upon-northern-night.html
    We turned it into a Monochromatic Landscape painting.

  • Vivian McIntyre

    Is there any way to purchase this lesson and others outside of the Sparkler’s Club? I am just a home school mom and I teach a very small class in my home. Thus, I cannot afford to become a Sparkler but I have been enjoying your art projects for the past 5 years. Thank you for your wonderful projects and inspiration.

  • Jennifer

    I can’t see them

  • Kim

    I am trying to find the project for 1st graders that goes with “ernest, the moose who didn’t fit”.

  • Christine

    Hi! I’m feeling disappointed that the snow angel lesson is not available. It is perfect for the theme my class is doing right now! Can the steps for it be found elsewhere?

    • Bethany

      This Lesson is only available to members in The Sparklers Club. If you are a Sparkler you can find it in the Epic Proportion Bundle. If you aren’t a member, this is just one of 1000’s of art lessons available to members! We add exciting new lessons each month. Here’s more information.https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/

  • Ayesha Hafeez

    I would love a copy of your snow angel art activity. It seems like the link is dead when I click on it. Could you please send me a copy of it? I am working on walking in a winter wonderland this week and I love your art projects. Thank you in advance.

    • Bethany

      Hi Ayesha! This is Bethany from Team Sparkle. Thanks so much for your interest in this lesson. Currently it’s only available to members inside The Sparklers Club Membership. If you are a Sparkler you can find it in the Epic Proportion Bundle. If you aren’t a member, this is just one of 1000’s of art lessons available to members! We add exciting new lessons each month. Here’s more information.https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/

  • Mona Rajab

    Hello! I was wondering where I could find the moose project. Is it only available to Sparkler Club members? Thank you in advance!

    • Elly Cutcliffe

      Hi Mona! There are 3 moose projects inside the Sparklers Club membership. These lesson are only available inside The Sparklers’ Club Membership. The Sparklers’ Club is an affordable and flexible pay as you go monthly membership—perfect for anyone who teaches art to students aged K-6. To purchase a membership, you can visit our website and purchase a membership from our sales page or from our SHOP during one of our enrollment periods. You’re in luck because enrollment opens this week on January 6th – 13th. To join the Sparklers’ Club waitlist and learn more about The Sparklers’ Club click here: https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/

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