
4 Lessons I Learned About Classroom Management from Years of Subbing: AME 126


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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Are your students coming to class attentive, respectful and ready to learn? Or do you spend most of your time battling challenging students?

No one wants to admit that there are days – maybe weeks – when the students wear you down so badly that you sink to a low point of frustration.

I know I’ve been there. And believe me, there’s no worse feeling than knowing you let down the students and yourself.

Today’s guest, Team Sparkle’s own Amy Clay shares 4 powerful management strategies that will help you get your class back on track. Her years of being a sub empowered her to tackle classroom management head on. She shares her passion for being an art sub and ways you can ensure that any substitute teacher who walks into your art room is welcomed and ready to create art with your students.

Make sure to download the free Art Substitute PDF. It’s filled with helpful forms and worksheets that will allow you to feel confident during those unpredictable sick days.

Amy Clay heads up the lesson development for Team Sparkle. She dreams, designs and creates the lessons that go into the art bundles inside our membership, The Sparklers Club.


– How substitute teaching gave Amy insight into classroom management

– Why setting expectations for your students and following through is crucial

– How you can be fair with your students, a protector and an adult

– How our Sparkler’s Club Substitute Plan Bundle can help teachers prepare when needing a substitute

– How to implement seating charts into your classroom

– Where to start with creating a classroom management plan




Download my free Art Substitute Information Binder by clicking the purple button below. Type in your name and email and we’ll send it to you!

Click here to subscribe

Podcast mentioned in this episode:

Classroom Management Strategies That Work For You: AME 088

How to Assess Student Artwork & Qualities of a Great Art Teacher: AME 003

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram

Patty Palmer At Home Instagram

Join the Sparklers Club waitlist HERE


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  • Emi

    Are these ever transcripted and where can I find them to read?

    • Patty

      Hi Emi,
      We haven’t invested in transcribing yet but maybe when we start advertising we will. But for now, it remains audio only. I will definitely consider it in the future though. thank you!

  • Genevieve

    Seems interesting. Would love to know more. This is problem subject for me.

    • Patty

      Have listen and hopefully it can help 🙂

  • Tana Johnoff

    Where are the sub plans for this download located, please?

  • lisawoods.geneva

    Such a great episode! I’m excited for the sub bundle mentioned in the episode, but I am having trouble finding it…can anyone help? Thanks!

    • Patty

      Hi Lisa! If you are a member of the Sparklers Club, you can access the Substitute Plan Bundle inside teh membership. If you are logged into the membership, here’s the link: https://www.sparklersclub.com/tsc/2018/09/01/substitute-plan-bundle/

      • lisawoods.geneva

        Thank you so much! So happy to be a first-time Sparkler!

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