
Fall Art Bundle & Watercolor Leaves Video


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

We’re an art education company dedicated to giving art teachers, business owners, and parents a path to creating beautiful and engaging art experiences for children…Read More

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How to Draw & paint Watercolor Leaves

Raise your hand if Fall is your favorite time of year?

Santa Barbara doesn’t experience Fall until well into November but I fake it by switching out my summer whites for long sleeves.
And just because I can’t get enough of Fall and the beautiful leaves I imagine are falling in cooler parts of the country, I played around with my Faber-Castell Art Supplies and made this video for you…

How to Draw & Paint Fall Watercolor Leaves Video

Art Supplies

If you are wondering what art supplies I’m using, check out Faber-Castell’s line of children’s art products. I used them last Spring with all of my students and was so impressed. In this video I used the Watercolor Palettes and the Oil Pastel 12-pack. The oil pastels are the best I’ve ever used and the watercolors are more opaque than transparent so the effects are really brilliant.

The watercolor paper is 90-lb Canson School grade watercolor paper.

Want more lessons for your fall art activities? Download this lesson guide by clicking the yellow button below and we’ll send you a PDF on How to Draw a Pumpkin!

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Easy Fall Art projects for Kids 5-10

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  • Gail Evans

    Love to get free simple projects for k-3 as I teach at two different locations with s very low budget out here in AZ! Help
    Gail evans

  • MJ Hoffman

    I tried the leaf printing (white tempera on leaves printed on black paper) and could not get the white to show up. I tried adding yellow which helped some. However, I did not get the desired results. Could it have been the brand of tempera? Thanks for any suggestions.

    • Patty Palmer

      Hi MJ, Yes it may have been the brand. Some tempera paint doesn’t have great consistency. Use Crayola, Faber-Castell or Prang. Or you can even try acrylic.

  • Mary Pat

    If the tempera is washable it will be a thinner transparency Not good. Question? You suggest using oil pastels for drawing before tempera or watercoloring. Would crayon have a similar effect? What are the benefits of using the oil pastels? Thank you! Love your ideas. I implement soooo many in my kinder class.

    • Patty Palmer

      Hi Mary,
      Oil pastels deliver a thicker and stronger line compared to crayons. For little hands, it doesn’t take as much pressure to apply a thick line with oil pastels as it does crayons. You know how lightly they press! A thick line helps create a “wall” for the watercolor (and yes, use watercolor paints. they mingle best on watercolor paper) so the watercolors don’t bleed into each other in areas you don’t want them to. It’s my favorite tip when working with little kids and watercolor paints.
      Hope this helps!

  • Bri

    Can I make this lesson on construction paper?

    • Patty

      Yes, but the watercolors won’t blend as nicely with regular drawing paper. the watercolor allows teh liquid to stay on the surface and create the mingling 🙂

  • Sue brotherwood

    Love your ideas.I,m doing art around the world,heard you said you did one on America.I,d love more information about it please

    • Hannah

      Hi Sue!
      We have a bundle called America the Great as part of our Geography (mostly historical/patriotic projects). We also have great bundles on American artists like Georgia O’Keefe and Andy Warhol, Keith Haring (Pop Art Bundle).

      If you’re not already a Sparkler Club member you can join our waitlist here:


      Enrollment starts January 2nd-10th. Once you join you will be able to access these bundles 🙂

      -Hannah (Team Sparkle)

  • Keenah Davis

    This looks awesome!

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