
Art-Inspired Pinterest Boards to Follow


I love taking a few moments here and there to dip into the deep pool of creativity that is available to us on Pinterest. Occasionally, I’ll devote some time to discovering new pinners instead of staying within my feed. It’s so worth the effort!

Here are a few pinners and boards that I love to follow:

ARTFUL KIDS is an online store in the UK that features artsy-inspired toys and art for kids.This gal has great style and I love her boards that feature what to do with kid’s art like Displaying Children’s Artwork and Using Children’s Artwork.


SCARTTEACHER is probably the pinner with whom I pin from the most. I love her boards and spend a great deal of time looking through them. What I appreciate with her pins is that most are linked or have an original source. It takes extra effort on behalf of a pinner not to pin dead links or not to pin entirely from Artsonia (not sure if you feel the same way as I do, but Artsonia pins are generally instruction-less).

HAND MADE KIDS ART is a fresh perspective on kid’s art that doesn’t focus on art in the classroom. This gal has a great website too which I love. She has some great boards on Science and Art and Math and Art that offer great ideas for the younger set.



Sometimes scrolling through a pinners collection of boards can be overwhelming. I’ll often just follow certain boards so I don’t build up a massive feed. Here are a few boards that I love…


I like boards that are well curated and focused. The ones that don’t have too many dead links and repetition. I also love it when a pinner finds some cool stuff.

Laine Van is a K-5 art teacher from Michigan. Her Art Room Organization board features lots of images for a well organized classroom. She tends to pick some of the top tips out there and keeps the board pretty organized too.

Theresea Gillespie’s Art Room Visuals is awesome. If you want a cool poster idea or station chart, Theresea has all the good ones in one place. I’ve gotten a lot of ideas from this one board.

Rainbow Skies & Dragonflies blog author, Mrs. C’s art room organization board has all the good stuff. It’s also well edited meaning (most) everything on this board is specifically for organization


Jill McIntyre Lots of great poster art here and handout resources towards the bottom of the scroll.

Jennifer Moore A random collection of drawing tips, handouts, organization tips and art inspiration in one board. Jennifer always finds the good stuff!


All three of these boards have a unique perspective on inspiring art books for kids. I have gotten so many great book finds by checking out these boards. Seriously, with the decline of neighborhood bookstores, these boards are my go-to spot for finding new stuff.

Andrea Robbins

Audry Rider

Shalae Tippetts

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  • Lucy S.

    I love Pinterest and I love art. Thanks for sharing the boards in the post. I’ve found some new cool people to follow!

    I’m not an art teacher, but I enjoy collecting pin related to arts & crafts for children. Here’s one of my boards if you’d like to take a look:


    Cheers from Brazil,

  • Jayne Gammons

    A place for integrating all of the arts with books…

  • Bar Rucci

    Thank you for this post! I will follow these cool pinners and boards pronto! I teach little ones art in my home, small groups of four or five children. I was actually inspired by one of your projects for my last blog post! A favorite board of mine is my “Making Art with Kids” board, it has a very make-art-at-home feel. Thanks for letting me share, Patty!


  • Michelle East

    Please visit my Pinterest page Create Art with ME http://www.pinterest.com/micheast/create-art-with-me/

  • Jenny Knappenberger

    I have a collaborative Pinterest board called “Art In the Classroom” where me and other art teachers, classroom teacher and such pin to…http://www.pinterest.com/artwithjennyk/art-in-the-classroom/

  • Jodie

    Great post, thanks! I love Pinterest and use it all the time. I teach art in Australia in a special needs school and love my job. My main art teaching board is – http://www.pinterest.com/sherbetbomb/i-teach-art/ and I also use this board for ideas more specific to special needs – http://www.pinterest.com/sherbetbomb/i-teach-art-special-needs/

  • Jude Drever

    Thanks so much for including the Artful Kids boards. It was a lovely unexpected surprise. Thanks also for the other recommendations – there’s a few there I didn’t know about!

  • Gena Yarbrough

    Thanks so much for sharing the Pinterest Boards! I really love DSS!

  • Renee Goularte

    What a great list of Pinterest boards! Thank you! I also have a newly-formed collaborative Pinterest board – Creating Art With Kids – that hopefully will be helpful for classroom teachers who are looking for authentic art lessons and activities to use in their classrooms. Hope you will stop by!

  • jennicaroltraviss@gmail.com

    Thanks for all the wonderful sites. I teach art in Cape Town, South Africa.


  • Jamie

    Thank you so much for featuring our Pinterest boards. I have always been a fan of DSS and have watched your blog/business grow over the years. Keep up the great work and support for art education! Thank you!

    • Patty Palmer

      You are welcome. Love your site!

  • kcdart@embarqmail.com

    Love your ideas! Thanks for being a huge inspiration! Can’t wait to see what 2015 brings =)

  • Jacquelyn

    Thanks for an inspiring, thoughtful and very helpful site! I teach art part-time in addition to my job as an artist and mom, and this is SOO helpful! Thank you, thank you!

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