Giant Squid Art Project

Giant Squid Art Project


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

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Giant Squid Art Project

What’s the biggest thing in the ocean? According to the giant squid in Kevin Sherry’s book I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, he is! This lesson was inspired by Meg Duerksen’s Whatever blog. Here is her Squid Art Project that she did based on the same book. Totally adorable, don’t you think?

I’m The Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry

Drawing a squid

For my afternoon class of Kinders, we read the book (kid’s LOVED it) and did a directed line drawing of the squid in the book. I picked the biggest piece of paper in the art room (18″ x 24″) and asked the kids to draw eyes somewhere on the outside of the squid drawing (not on the squid itself).

We painted our squids blue, allowed them to dry and then took a LONG time cutting them out. We cut out our eyes and pasted them onto our squid.

artwork drying on floor

For a final flourish and a bit of fun, we taped long strips of tissue paper to the bodies and hung ’em all up.

Aren’t we handsome?

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  • phyl

    Patty, these are totally adorable! I love big art!!!

    • Patty

      Thanks, Phyl. This is a PERFECT book for kinders. So many lesson ideas as well.

  • Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land

    Cool! My littlest ones love this book and any Kevin Sherry book. We did a huge wall whale for one of his books. I’m loving the squid projects though and with summer coming, I think we might have to do a few of these soon.

    Thanks for the ideas!

  • Deedee

    Oh My Gosh! I lOvE this book! Your squid are beautiful!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  • Sarah

    Same author: I’m The Best Artist in the Ocean

    • Patty

      I’ve never seen this….so cute! Thanks for the rec.

  • meg duerksen

    THAT is AWESOME!!!!!!
    how fun to find as i click over here to be inspired.

  • Dorothy

    You are my inspiration… thank you so much for having this website and blog!

  • Jody

    I love this book and the squids are super cute. Just wanted to let you know Kevin Sherry has another book “I’m the Best Artist in the Ocean” in which the giant squid paints all kinds of cool underwater creatures. The kids love it and it is a perfect tie in to this lesson 🙂

  • Thea Eaton

    What a great idea to draw the eyes seperately, then glue them on! We are going to try this!! What did they use for the line drawing, just a black crayon? Or something different? I love the thick, black lines.

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