
Joan Miró Art Project


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Hi, I'm Patty Palmer.

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I’m always searching for one session lessons. You know the type: art projects that don’t take two or three classes to complete.

This Joan Miró inspired lesson is one such lesson. I teach this lesson to first grade, but second or third grade would enjoy it as well. First grade students have a good laugh as I explain shapes and lines, and drawing lines on shapes and lines over lines that sit on shapes…. you get the idea!

Student drawing Joan Miro figure


Crayola broad tip and medium tip markers



As you can see from my whiteboard, I display photocopies/print-outs/calendars of the artist’s work, a sample of the finished lesson and then I demonstrate by drawing lots of examples. I always break the lesson down into bits and pieces.

With the Miró lesson, I spoke about Miró’s art in terms of shapes and lines. Explain the difference, especially for first graders. I like to draw a curvy line and ask them what it is. They say a line and they’re right. Then, I connect the curvy line so that it becomes a shape. This way the kids see how a line and a shape differ.

Coloring in a joan miro figure

Big oval head or small triangle head or wiggly, squishy round head. Next draw all three and the kids can decide if they would like to copy or try their own version. Then, I do the same for the body, giving lots of options.

I set out Crayola broad tip markers and black medium tip markers and let the kids color. Because there are only a few large shapes to color, this lesson takes just one 40-minute session

Joan Miro Art Lesson Gallery



What do you think?

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  • tana

    I love your blog, Patty! I have used a few of your lessons with my students – thanks! I have started my own elementary art projects blog, I would love to have you check it out, remember, I’m a newbie…:)
    Love the projects!

  • Kerri

    Fantastic! I am definitely going to use this. I have been looking for a couple one day projects for the end of the year! Thanks for sharing!

  • Amanda

    I am so impressed with all you do with your children.

    I would love to see how you organize your art supplies, and what things you use for your children when doing the project (paint containers, etc.). Is a post like that possible? Have you already done it and I can’t find it?


  • Snippety Gibbet

    Oh fun! I may have to try that these last few days of school. jan

  • Patty P

    Thanks for the nice comments everyone!
    Amanda: I’ll try to incorporate more visuals of set-up logistics into my posts. I think you’re right and it is helpful to see how other teacher set things up.

  • Samantha

    Hi–this is a nice shape/line lesson. Check out the book "When a line bends, a shape begins". It's a very first grade friendly book and would be a nice intro for this project. Every year I have my first graders make an elements of art book so our first seven projects are connected to an element of art. For example, we'll make a line page for our book, then a project that focuses on line. Then we'll make a shape page for the book and do a project that focuses on shape. This year I'm thinking that we could do a line page then a shape page and connect the ideas with your miro project.

  • Aimee Cronan

    I am a 3rd year pre-service teacher, I really believe in getting away from simple crafts, and teaching students about different artists and art forms. Your ideas are awesome! And I am going to be trying one of them with my class. Thank you so much for posting this to share with others!

  • ViSart-DaLi Claying Mama

    Love this project!

  • Sharon Craiger

    Seeing the white board was very helpful.


  • Joel's Mommy

    love this project! thank you for the idea!

  • Becky

    We’ve been studying the masters since the beginning of the year. My 2nd grade students have really embraced these artists. We’ve studied Paul Klee, Seraut, and Van Gogh. Joan Miro fits right in with what we are doing. Love this project! Their imaginations ran wild!!

  • tcastellarin@yahoo.ca

    You inspire me Patty! Thanks for all the great ideas!

  • andrea werboff

    Is this 9 x 12 inches or 12 x 18? Thanks, I’m going to try it.

    • Patty

      I used 9 x 12 but you can do larger(will just take more time )

  • Margaret

    Miro is my favourite artist. I was introduced to him by my lecture at TAFE. It’s great to see how you have used him to introduce art as shapes colour and in such a dynamic way. They look fabulous Love it.

  • Andi

    Hi Patty. Do you allow pencil first, or do they go right to black marker? And how large is the paper?

  • debbie

    I’m going to try it with my kindergarten class.

  • Wendy Ping

    I love this lesson! I would like to use it for my art class. I really like your site. I enjoy reading about all the interesting activities that you are doing with your students.

  • Karen

    very fun!

  • Amy Faruque

    love it! I was coming here when my son was young. love coming back for my daughter!

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